The New Quarters

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Harry woke that morning to find that he was not in his own bed in the boys’ dormitory. He sat up on his elbows and looked around. He was in a large circular room with his four poster bed, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a door which looked like it led to an en suite bathroom and a desk. He groaned, why couldn’t he remember?

He rolled over in bed but quickly sat up. There was someone lying beside him. This person was a small, red headed girl by the name of Ginny Weasley. Harry wished he could remember more about the night before. He began to have small flashes.

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‘Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are the new head boy and girl!’ 

Really? Harry thought. Cool.

‘Harry and Hermione, you get your own special living quarters, to be shared with your deputies.’

This must be where I am.

‘Here Harry.’ It was Fred Weasley. ‘It’s just a bit of pumpkin juice. No, it’s not spiked!’

Harry moaned. Fred Weasley had given him, and probably Ginny, Ron and Hermione spiked pumpkin juice.

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*End flashback*

Harry wondered if he and Ginny had done anything. He really wished they hadn’t because he wanted their first time to be special. He peeked under the covers. They were both fully clothed.

Thank God!

Harry got out of his bed to find his way around his new living quarters. He quietly got up without waking Ginny and crept out of his room. He went down some winding stairs to another level. He went in. The bed had not been slept in. It was almost the same as Harry’s only a bit smaller with no desk. He looked in the wardrobe. He recognised Ginny’s clothes and robes. So this was Ginny's room. He went on down the stairs and entered into a large common room, about the same size as Gryffindors common room. He looked to the place opposite his stairs. There were an identical set; he could only guess that it was Ron and Hermione’s staircase. He wondered if he would be able get up them. Ron must be! He walked over to the steps and readied himself for a shock. He remembered the last time he and Ron tried to get into a girls dormitory. He took the first step. Nothing happened, but he was still tensed up, nothing happened at first last time. He took a few more steps and still, nothing happened. He let his shoulders loosen up a bit and he sprinted up a few more steps until he came to the first doorway. He looked in. It was exactly the same as Ginny's. It was Ron's room but it was empty.

He sighed and tensed his muscles again. He had once again taken the first step. Nothing happened. He followed the same procedure he went through the last time and he got to Hermione’s door. He breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door. He obviously didn’t think about the consequences of opening a girl’s bedroom door. When he did open the door he got the biggest shock of his life. The image would be imprinted on his mind forever. He had walked in on the intentions of waking Hermione up, but he saw that she was already awake. She was really awake. She was straddled on Ron's knee and had only her bra and pants on. They weren’t even pants, they were thongs. She was halfway through pulling Ron's shirt off when Harry inconveniently walked in and asked, ‘Hermione are you up?’ she gave a little squeal and Harry mumbled and walked out. He was in shock. Eugh! His two best friends. Actually, his best friend and his sister!

He decided to do a little bit more exploring and then have a shower and wake Ginny. He went into the common room again and looked around. It still looked like the Gryffindor common room but this time he noticed a few changes. In one corner there were two desks. On the other side of the room, there were four filing cabinets, each with seven drawers. He expected that the four cabinets were the four houses and the seven drawers were the seven years. He went over to check it out. He looked in the Gryffindor file, seventh year, Harry Potter file. It was quite big, bigger than all the other files. Ron and Hermione’s were close after him. He opened his own file but there was a binding charm on it. He tried Ron's, another binding charm, Hermione's, another binding charm. He searched for another. It said Lavender Brown. He opened it with ease. He went to another drawer and picked out a random file. It read, Ginny Weasley. Hmmm, this should be interesting, he thought. But to his great disappointment it was also binded. Maybe it was because they weren’t allowed to look at their own files. He didn’t know. He wrote a letter to Professor Dumbledore. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now