Baby Talk

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‘Well hello there!’ Arthur said as the five people from Hogwarts walked into the beautiful office. He held his arms out and looked around. ‘What do you think?’ he asked.

‘It's wonderful, Daddy! Really wonderful.’

‘It's bloody brilliant dad. Really cool.’

‘Thank you! Now, what would you like for lunch? Soup? Sandwiches? Order whatever you like. It will be here in fifteen minutes, whatever it is.’

A house elf popped into the room and took everyone’s order, which were all sandwiches. 

Arthur got chatting to them, telling them how everyone was getting on. They were all doing fine and Tonks was really ready to burst. She was twice the size Molly had been with any of the children, except the twins. 

Remus was still worried about her but she wouldn’t let him do anything because she wasn’t in pain but because of all the complications, no one could be sure of what was going to happen. The healers said that she should go into labour on the 21st, which is two days after you lot arrive so she will have lots of people around her to take care of the baby.

The house elf came back with a monster size plate of sandwiches. Arthur thanked the elf and it left, blushing slightly. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Erin and Arthur ate their way through most of the sandwiches but not all were eaten. 

Erin stood up at one o’clock and apologised to Arthur but said they had to go back to school. 

‘It was wonderful to meet you, minister. I hope we meet again.’

‘Oh, I am sure you will from the way Fred talks about you. It was also lovely to meet you, Miss Hodges. I hope you will come over to the Burrow for a while over the holidays?’

‘Maybe. I shall see what happens. Thanks for allowing us to come and thanks for lunch.’

‘No problem. Come here Ginny. Give me a hug before you go. See you soon.’

‘Yeah, dad. See you soon.’





Ginny took Erin's hand and they all disapparated out of the office and back to the Hogwarts gate. 

Back at the castle, the four friends were dismissed from the afternoon classes so they went up to their tower to chill out for a while. 

Ginny and Harry snuggled into one sofa and Hermione and Ron into the other.

‘I hope Tonks is okay. I mean, that poor baby. No one knows what it's going to turn out like yet. It might be a metamorphmagus and it might be a werewolf and it might be both. I bet she’s really distressed. And Remus!’ Hermione said.

Ginny nodded in agreement. ‘I know! I'm so glad me and Harry are both normal! No offence meant to Tonks and Remus because I love them to bits, but I’d be so scared for my child if I was in that position!’

‘I know. But I think it should be okay. I mean, Remus wouldn’t do anything without consulting a book.’ Hermione said.

‘But what if it was an accident?’ Ron asked.

‘It wasn’t. Tonks told me it was planned. They didn’t want anything to go wrong.’ Hermione said, rather know-it-all-like.

‘Hmmm. I'd still be worried. I know they are!’ Ginny said. ‘Hey Harry. How many kids do you want?’

‘Um…I don’t know.’

‘Just pick a number you wouldn’t mind having.’


‘Hmmm. I was thinking around that. I don’t want a massive big family in case we don’t really have much money. And there would always be competition and favouritism and lots of issues that I don’t want to have to have!’

‘Yeah, all I want is that my kids are loved, because I wasn’t and it feels horrible.’

Ginny hugged him. ‘Don’t worry. Our kids will definitely be loved.’

Hermione looked at Ron. ‘How many do you want?’

‘I've never really thought about it.’


‘Nope. I just wait for those kinds of things to happen.’

‘Well, I want at least three.’

‘Why? Why not just one?’

‘Because I was an only child and it sucked. Kids need people to play with or else they end up like me. A complete bookworm and spoilt and got everything they want.’

‘There’s nothing wrong with a spoilt bookworm if it turns out like you.’ Ron said.

‘Oh, you’re so sweet Ron! I love you!’

‘I love you too.’

‘Hey, Hermione.’ Ginny asked. ‘Have you ever thought about names for kids?’

‘Well, I always loved the name Guinevere. It's from one of my favourite books when I was a child. But for a boy, I think I like Dylan and of course, Ron.’

‘Yeah. I like Annabel but I wouldn’t call my child it. It’s too girlie. Yes, I’ll put them in cute dresses and buy them dolls but they won’t be complete girls, unless they want to be. I've always love Tiger Lily. It's beautiful. And Tallulah. It's cute. For a boy, I like Teirnan. It's an Irish name but it's really lovely.’

‘Yeah, it is quite nice. And of course, you will have to call one Harry!’ 

Ginny laughed. ‘Yeah…Harry’s a lovely name!’

‘What’s wrong with my name?’

‘Nothing, honey. I was just kidding.’

‘Yeah you better be’ then he whispered. ‘Ginevra.’

Harry looked at Ron, who was looking as bored as he felt. He was thinking of a way to get them both away from this conversation. It was pointless. You can't choose a child’s name until you look at them. They might not look like a Guinevere or a Teirnan. But girls will be girls and discuss these silly things. Don’t get me wrong, Harry thought, I love babies and children but when they are not even born and not even in the womb, it was all a bit pointless. They might jinx it or they might talk about it so much they’ll go off the idea.

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