Letters From Above

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Not Mine


Harry lay in his bed, unable to sleep. He obviously couldn’t believe it. A small part of him didn’t want to believe it. If he did and it wasn’t true, he’d go into serious depression. He could hear Ron in the next bed, breathing heavily. He was asleep. He probably had been for the past three hours. It was five o’clock in the morning but no one had gone to bed until two – what with the big surprise and everything. 


The man grinned. ‘Alright everyone?’

No one answered. Everyone just stared in shock. Harry felt Hermione fall to the ground beside him. She had fainted. But Harry couldn’t bring himself to help her. He was frozen to the spot.

‘Hey Harry.’ the man said. Harry recognised his name and came back to reality, if this is what you could call reality.


‘It's Sirius, Harry. Say it with me, Si-ri-us.’ the man laughed.

It was Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black. It was Harry’s DEAD godfather, Sirius Black.

Sirius looked around the room again. ‘No one going to say hello? Or even lower your wands?’ 

No one did. Sirius laughed again. ‘What are you all playing at?’ 

Harry squeaked. ‘You’re supposed to be dead, Sirius.’

‘Don’t talk to him, Harry. He could be a death eater, constant vigilance!’ Moody shouted to him. 

‘Don’t be stupid, Moody. How can I be a death eater? Only people who know where this place is can get in! Unless Dumbledore has taken to associating with old Voldy?’

Dumbledore shook his head. ‘No, Alastor. He is not a death eater. It is, indeed, Sirius.’

‘We have to ask him something to prove it, Albus!’

‘Oh for God’s sake, Moody! Will you stop going on! I am Sirius Black. The one and only, sexy, funny, mischievous, wonderful Sirius Black! Ask me a question if you must!’

Harry almost smirked at his ‘godfather’ but didn’t, in fear he wasn’t who they all thought he was.

‘What is your animagus form?’ Dumbledore asked.

‘Don’t be foolish, Albus!’ Moody shrieked. ‘Everyone in the wizarding world knows that! It has to be something else.’

‘Oh come off it, Mad-Eye! I'm me, Sirius! Remus, tell him.’

Remus didn’t budge, or lower his wand. 

‘Aw this is all a bit shit. Why are you all shocked that I'm here?’

‘You died, Sirius.’ Dumbledore whispered.

‘I did what? No I didn’t. Do you think that, beyond that veil? No, I didn’t die. Well…almost. Let me explain.’

‘Here’s a question.’ Harry murmured. ‘What the fuck have you been doing for the past two years?’ he raised his voice.

‘So you believe it's me, Harry boy? Thank God for that, and watch your language, by the way.’

‘Do you really think that anyone here cares about my language when you have just arrived here? Out of the blue! We thought you were dead!’

Harry tried his best not to believe it was Sirius, but he knew by the glint in his eye and the air of mischief in his voice that it could be no one else.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now