The Kiss

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The next morning, when Harry woke up, he was greeted by a beautiful sight. Well, he thought it was beautiful. It was Ginny Weasley.

‘Ginny? What are you doing, in my room, staring at me?’ he asked jokingly.

‘Well, I've been here all morning. Nah, only joking. Mum sent me up to tell you that if you don't get your butt downstairs now, you’re having no breakfast. And your aunt told me to tell you to make sure you shower.’ Ginny turned and left the room. Harry looked at Ron’s bed. It was empty. Hermione must’ve woken him because Harry was always up before Ron.

Then Harry remembered what had just happened. He had woken to see the most beautiful person to ever walk the planet right beside him. 

I could get used to this, he thought.

Potter, if you start that again, I swear I'll tell Ron.

You can't do that without me.

Shut up Potter. Even if I didn’t mind you liking her, she’s way too good for you. Honestly, look at her.

I have been. She’s amazing.

What I meant, Potter, is that you don't have a chance!

But she was flirting with me yesterday. Believe me, I know.

Maybe she and Hermione were playing dares or something.

Maybe not. She’s liked me ever since my first year. Everyone knows that.

Yeah, but she’s well over you know. Just look at how many boyfriends she’s had.

Well, I think I'll try my luck anyway. If she doesn’t want to know then I'm cool with that.

Potter, you’re fighting a losing battle.

Shut up brain. 

Harry went and took a shower. He needed to look good if he was going to try and impress Ginny.

His brain tried to start on him again but he blocked that little voice out. Nothing was going to ruin his chance with Ginny. He went down to the kitchen to greet the smell of cooking sausages and bacon, and his favourite, black pudding.

‘Hi guys!’ he said, cheerily and he gave Ginny a wink. At first she looked shocked, and then winked back. This was going good. Harry sat down beside her and started piling black pudding onto his plate, along with a few sausages and bacon.

Ginny made a joke about his love of black pudding and he laughed with her. Not just because he wanted her, but because it was quite funny. Harry looked over at Ron and Hermione. They were truly in love. Hermione was feeding Ron bits of cut up sausage and they were holding hands under the table. They would share an occasional kiss, but other than that, anyone could tell from the eye contact that they loved each other. Harry had an idea. He looked at them and sighed. Ginny asked him what was up.

‘I need someone like that.’ he said.

‘Someone like Hermione?’ Ginny sounded worried.

‘No, no. Not like Hermione. Just someone who would love me for being me. Not for being the boy who lived or famous Harry Potter who must kill Voldemort. I just need someone to love and support me through everything.’

Ginny smiled. ‘I bet there are queues of girls wanting to do that.’

‘Yeah, but they all want me for being famous Harry Potter, Voldemort defeater! Not, just Harry.’

‘I know one girl in particular who wants you for bring just Harry.’

‘Really? Who?’

‘You shouldn’t ask a girl a thing like that!’

‘Now I know what Ron means.’ he muttered.


‘Ron says you would always say that to him when he asked anything about Hermione. It is truly annoying Ginevra Weasley.’

Ginny gasped. ‘How do you know my real name?’

‘I don't know. It’s Ginevra Molly Weasley.’

‘Oh my God! How do you know that! It wasn’t Ron because he doesn’t know the Ginevra bit, neither does Hermione. No one does except me, my parents and Bill!’

‘And me. Maybe we are connected in a really special way. Like soulmates.’

Ginny grinned. ‘Yeah, maybe.’

After breakfast Ginny dragged Hermione up to their room and set her on the bed. ‘He knows my name Hermione!’


‘Harry, he knows my name!’

‘So? I know your name.’

‘No you don't. I thought that only four people in this whole world knew my full name but nope! Harry does too. He said that maybe him and I were magically connected or something. Then he said we might be soulmates!’

‘Whoa! Slow down, Gin. What do you mean?’

‘My full name is Ginevra Molly Weasley. Don't laugh. Only my mum, my dad, Bill and I know about my full name. I begged them to swear to me that they would never tell anyone. They didn’t. But now Harry knows and I think we might be spiritually connected and that we’re soulmates!’

‘Ginny, they might’ve told him.’

‘No, they didn’t. I put a hex on their promise that if they ever told anyone, they would have a permanent Bat-Bogey hex put on them, which would only stop if I commanded it. Don't you see, ‘Mione? We’re soulmates.’

‘Well, I could check some books and find out what it means but until I find any proof that says you’re wrong, congratulations!’ Ginny hugged her best friend who had just run out of the room to try and find a book to work out this Harry-Ginny thing. Hermione was her only true friend. Yes, Ginny was popular but she didn’t have a little group of friends to hang about in, except Hermione, Ron and Harry. God, Harry. 

Ginny thought to herself, why do you have to be like you are? Huh? Why do you have to be so darn sexy? Why do you have to be so kind? 

‘WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO HOT, SO KIND, SO LOVELY, SO GOOD LOOKING AND SO. . . SO. . . SO YOU?’ Ginny shouted the last sentence so loud people in the next room could have heard it. But no one was in the next room; someone was standing at the door.

‘Are you talking about me?’ he asked.

‘Oh shit, er, Harry. Hi. So, you heard me going crazy there?’ there he was, leaning against the door frame. He looked so fine. Why did he have to hear her? And why was he wearing that cute little smirk?

‘I wasn’t really going crazy.’

‘Yeah you were,’ he said. ‘It’s alright. I do it too. I argue with my brain and everything. You haven’t answered my question.’

‘What do you argue with your brain about?’ she was trying desperately to change the subject.

‘Girls. One girl in particular. Actually, only ever one girl. It only started recently though. My stupid brain thinks she’s too young for me. Answer my question.’ He started walking towards Ginny. She felt her knees going weak and she almost stumbled but she stopped herself by putting a hand on Harry’s muscular chest. He looked down at her. ‘Were you talking about me?’

Ginny had to do something. She put on her cheeky smile. ‘What if I was?’

‘Well, Ginevra. I need to know for sure so that I can make my mind up.’

‘Then yes, I was talking about you.’

Harry knew what he wanted to do. He bent his head down and Ginny stood on her tiptoes and they shared a long, lingering kiss. 

‘That was nice.’ Ginny said.

‘That was great, but I think I need to try it again.’

‘Uh huh. I think we do.’

Ginny leaned in for another kiss, but this time Harry lifted her up to his eye level and kissed her passionately. Letting his tongue enter Ginny’s mouth and play with hers. Ginny opened her brown eyes, which met Harry’s green ones. ‘Hi.’ she said.


Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now