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Not Mine!!!


Harry woke early that morning. At first, he didn’t know why, but then he remembered, this was the first day of his NEWTs.

‘Shit.’ he said, as he climbed out of bed. ‘Fucking NEWTs…’

‘…can't believe this. I'm not even ready for them. Shit. Oh well. Shower.’

He went into the shower and turned it right down so it was freezing. This always woke him up. He felt the cold water trickling down his back. His mood brightened. 

‘I've been revising for ages. What can go wrong? If I pass, I pass. If I don’t, I don’t.’ 

He wasn’t in a good mood, but he wasn’t in a bad mood. He was in the common room by seven thirty. He thought he’d be there first and the others wouldn’t be up for ages. He was wrong.

‘Ginny? What are you doing up so early?’

Ginny was sitting next to the fire, head in her hands.

‘Hey, what's wrong? Is it the NEWTs?’ he asked, knowing the answer already.

She nodded. ‘I only did my OWLs last year. I'm too young. I’ll fail them!’ she wailed.

‘No you won't! You’re way smarter than me!’

‘Yeah, I wish.’

‘Ginny, you are and you know it.’ Harry put his strong arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

‘It's just that my mum and dad…they’re so proud of me for getting moved up. I don’t want to disappoint them.’

‘You won't disappoint them! You’re one of the smartest witches in this year, never mind your own year! You’ll pass them with flying colours!’

‘Promise?’ Ginny asked.

‘I promise.’

Ginny turned around and kissed Harry softly on the lips. It was the first time in ages that they had been able to share a moment like it. Harry didn’t want it to end. He kissed her back, harder but with the same amount of love.

‘I love you, Harry.’ Ginny said, staring into his bright green eyes.

‘I love you too.’ Harry smiled softly. ‘Now go and get a shower!’

At eight fifteen, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny set off to the great hall for breakfast. Ever since Hermione had got up she was reciting definitions and fishing books out of her bag to check if she knew the exact details of one little fact.

‘Do you really have to do that?’ Ron had said but she gave him such a glare that he didn’t dare question her again.

When they entered the great hall, they saw that most of the students sitting at the tables were seventh years. Harry and co. sat down at the Gryffindor table beside Seamus, Dean, Parvati, Lavender and Neville. They were all pushing bits of bacon and sausage around their plates with a fork. Harry wanted to reassure them, like he did when they acted like this before a quidditch match, but he didn’t feel as if he had the authority to do it, so he began to eat. Ron was scoffing large pieces of bacon, eggs, sausages and everything else he could fit into his mouth. Ginny was nibbling at a slice of toast and Hermione kept picking up bits of food, putting them to her mouth and then putting them back onto her plate.

‘Eat it Hermione.’ Ron said. ‘It won't eat you.’

‘Yeah, I'm trying Ron. Shut up.’

Hermione was always snappy on days when they had tests and stuff. Harry remembered how very similar she had acted on the morning of their OWLs. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now