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Not Mine, belongs to erinpotter on HPFF


After a dinner of roast chicken and potatoes, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny made their way to the Gryffindor common room for the party. When they got to the fat lady, they saw a sign beside her. It was a note scribbled in Dean’s messy writing. ‘Fourth year and below, please go through this door. Admittance to the common is not allowed until at least four o’clock this morning!’ and there was a big arrow pointing left. Harry looked, and sure enough, there was a small door. He assumed that it lead to the dorms. 

They made their way to the common room, where there was very loud music playing. Seamus and Dean were jumping around like complete nutters. Someone told Harry that they were dancing. Neville was sitting in the corner, laughing with a fifth year. Harry went over and sat beside him. 

‘Alright, Neville!’ he shouted over the music.

‘Hi Harry! Yeah I'm fine!’

‘Are you sure about tonight. Don’t feel as if you have to!’

‘I'm sure! Don’t worry! I want to see what it's like to be the Slytherin for a change! And I'll get to see what it's like to have people worship the ground I walk on!’

‘Are you sure, though?’

‘Positive! Now go away and don’t come back until ten o’clock!’

Harry made his way back to Ron, Hermione and Ginny who had perched themselves in their old favourite seats. They each had a butterbeer and Ginny was holding one for Harry.

‘Is he still up for tonight?’ Ginny asked, handing over the bottle.

‘Yeah! He seems really excited about it, actually.’ Harry replied, sitting down and taking a long drink of butterbeer.

‘Well, at least he won't have to pretend to any of the teachers. We don’t have classes anymore!’ Ron said, grinning from ear to ear.

‘Yes we do, Ron. We still have to be in class for the next three weeks.’ Hermione scowled.

‘Yeah, but we won't be doing anything. Just messing around, playing snap, you know. Like fifth year.’ Ron said knowingly.

‘Yeah, if you think so.’ Hermione muttered.

The party went on and with much arguing with Hermione and the threat of detentions for the last three weeks of school, Dean turned the music down. Everyone settled themselves around the fire and were all talking about what they wanted to do when they left.

‘Me and Lavender are opening our own beauty parlour!’ Parvati announced, like it was the best career you could have.

‘And you think that’s going to be successful?’ Hermione said, sceptically.

‘Well, look at Fred and George. They opened their own shop and are rolling in it now!’ Lavender said.

‘Yeah, but people are actually interested in their jokes and stuff.’ Ron said, holding back his laughter.

‘People will be interested in our stuff!’ 

‘Lavender, why did you stay on at school to get NEWTs, if all you are going to do is open a shop? You don’t need qualifications to be a beautician.’ Seamus said.

‘Yeah, but daddy said that if I stayed on, he’s buy me the premises and help us start up.’

‘I see.’ Dean said. ‘Well, I'm going to be a healer!’


‘That’s great!’

‘I'd have never thought you’d be a healer!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now