The Lockets

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‘Finally!’ Ginny squealed as all the students walked out of the hall. They were all extremely happy and full of food. They were all laughing, except the Slytherins, because Fred and George and come back for a one night show. That was why the feast had to be three hours long. They had demonstrated how they had caused Umbridge so much trouble with their portable swamp and they showed off an array of their new produce. Ginny and Ron beamed at everyone who complimented their brothers. Harry thought it was all hilarious. Hermione, for once, ignored the rules (even though she wasn’t breaking any) and clapped as hard as the whole Gryffindor table. She laughed heartily at their newest firework which shot into the air and slowly spelt out ‘Hogwarts’ whilst singing ‘Hoggy, Hoggy, Hogwarts! Warty Old Hogs!’

Everyone could see that the Slytherins were trying to hold back their laughs, and Harry saw Snape pursing his lips to stop the smile coming out. But no one laughed louder than Dumbledore. He banged the table with his fist at the whole range of ‘Fudge stinks’ products and he almost fell onto the floor when he saw the miniature statues of all the Hogwarts teachers. Each of them performed a little act which perfectly portrayed the teacher. 

The Dumbledore statue raised its arms and said, ‘Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, and Tweak.’

Snape’s replica was standing over a cauldron and was stirring it while saying ‘Bloody Marauders!’

Binns’ statue was truly amazing. It looked like a normal Binns, but perfectly solid. Then, after a few seconds, a ghost of the statue would walk out of it.

Hagrid’s saw his beard getting burnt by a tiny Norbert. Hermione had revealed that she helped the twins with that one. They didn’t know anything they could laugh at Hagrid for, without hurting his feelings.

But Professor McGonagall’s was by far the most fantastic piece. It stood, pacing for a while, pursing its lips and then suddenly, it would transfigure into her cat form.

No one could work out how they did it. It was obviously transfiguration. But to have it done without a wand every ten seconds was pure genius.

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‘Harry? You ready?’ Hermione whispered, walking through the school at eleven thirty.

‘Hermione, for the seventeenth time, yes!’ Harry wailed.

‘Right. Just checking.’

Ron was acting very much like Harry. Making sure he wasn’t making any noise and just trying to stay cool. Ginny was feeling very mixed up. One minute she would be walking at the back of the group biting her nails. The next she’d jump up behind Harry and grab his to tell him that this was ‘so exciting’.

‘Harry? Where are you?’ Hermione whispered.

‘I'm right beside you Hermione. And yes, I am ready.’

‘Good. Just checking.’

‘So I've heard.’ Harry muttered.

The four of them were walking freely about the school with no chance of getting caught unless they made a really big noise, and they still probably wouldn’t get caught. They were invisible. Of course it was dangerous. They had only ever been invisible a few times and it had always been under Erin's supervision, but Hermione figured they’d be okay.

‘Harry, have you got the book!’

‘For God’s sake Hermione! If you do not shut up I will turn around now and we won't be able to do this!’

‘Sorry Harry.’

Ginny leaned in to where she thought Harry was. She took his hand. ‘You wouldn’t really, would you Harry?’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now