Just Thinking

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AN This is not my story!!! It belongs to erinpotter on harrypotterfanfiction.com

I just thought that it was spectacular and I wanted to share it with you guys.

I will be updating this story daily from now on.

Hope you enjoy



Twenty minutes later than planned the foursome made their way out of the castle. Harry had sent all their trunks through the floo network but all four friends thought that they would quite like to fly to London. Even Hermione thought that she might enjoy sitting on the back of Ron's broom. They took off from the castle doors and flew out of the grounds and over the sleepy village of Hogsmeade. Harry looked down and saw some builders renovating an old shop; he thought it might be the new Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. He smiled to himself, feeling really glad that he gave them the money. They were doing excellent business in Diagon Alley and Harry expected them to do just as well, if not better, in Hogsmeade, what with all the students running out of supplies!

Harry swooped around and around. He loved his broom. It was a Firebolt series two and was the second fastest broom in the world. The fastest was the Firebolt series three. He desperately wanted one but just couldn’t afford it, and he really didn’t need it because he still had the fastest broom in the whole school. Malfoy didn’t even have a series two!

He could hear Hermione laughing a little distance behind him, she didn’t usually like flying but recently, something about Hermione had changed. Sure, she had always been a little crazy, but now, she was full on mental. She no longer cried when he got less than full marks in tests and she didn’t pressure Harry or Ron about homework or revision. She was a lot more adventurous and outgoing and really, she was just acting like a normal person her age. Harry didn’t know if it was Ginny bringing it out, or the fact that she was going out with Ron but he thought it was great.

‘Hey smelly!’ he heard a voice beside him say. ‘Where were you at?’

‘I never went anywhere, Ginny.’

‘Yeah but your mind looked to be miles away.’

‘I was just thinking.’

‘About what? Me?’ she joked.

‘No, Hermione.’

‘Oh! Er…why were you thinking about her? Not that I care…’

‘Nothing like that, Ginny! I was just thinking that she seems a lot happier these days. I was wondering if it was you or Ron or just herself who made it come out.’

‘I don’t know. I remember watching her shout at you two all the time. She hardly ever shouts anymore. And she doesn’t get as easily worked up now. I really like the change though.’

‘Yeah, me too. So, do you have a clue where we are going?’

‘Am, no!’

‘Haha, me neither! Only joking, I've got a rough idea. It's somewhere in London which is in that direction.’ Harry waved his arm around mindlessly. He did actually know where he was going, but it was fun to pretend. Harry sometimes thought that he didn’t get much of a childhood. He always had so many chores and the only toys he ever played with were in his primary school. He could sometimes hardly believe how normal he turned out, even through all the deprivation.

‘What do you think Remus and Tonks will call the babies?’ Ginny asked him, pulling him out of his daydream for the second time.

‘Uh…Ginny and Harry.’

Ginny laughed. She had a wicked sense of humour and found almost anything funny. She would giggle at extremely inappropriate times and that would get Hermione started. Harry thought that when he proposed to Ginny, she would probably laugh in his face, or cry. Two extreme emotions which Harry was used to, being with Ginny for five months and knowing her for six years before that.

Harry looked at his watch. It was the sixteenth of December. He only had nine days to get everyone Christmas presents. He would have to get Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Petunia, Tonks, Remus, Molly, Arthur and both babies. And anyone else he had left out. He would have usually got the twins something but because of his contribution to their business, they told him that if he ever got them anything, they would use their extremely hilarious products on him, or use him as a guinea pig.

Harry started to see a lot of lights; he presumed that they were coming into London.

‘Hey, guys! Get invisible and put a disillusionment charm on your brooms!’ he called back to them.

Half an hour later the group landed outside the familiar houses of 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place. Harry thought of the words ’12 Grimmauld Place’ and the house magically appeared in between 11 and 13.

Harry knocked on the door. They were all still invisible when Mad-Eye opened the door slightly.

‘Who is it?’ he said in a gruff voice.

‘It's me, Harry and Ron and Hermione and Ginny.’

‘Show yourselves.’

They did.

‘Hmm. You might still be impostors. Okay, here’s a question. Who delivered Tonks’ babies?’

‘Oh! It was me! Hermione!’

‘Yeah alright, come on in.’

Harry led the way in. The first person he met was Remus.

‘Well, boss? How are the kids?’

Remus grinned.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now