Getting Packed

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Not Mine


Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he sank into the chair by the fire. He looked into the flames, thinking over everything that had gone on, and everything that was about to happen. It was the second last day before he left Hogwarts for good and moved onto bigger things. Most of his things were packed and ready to go. All he needed to do now was go to the end of year ball tonight and then set off tomorrow.

Ron, Hermione and Ginny were all away somewhere. Hermione and Ginny were at the library, leaving old books back, and Ron was saying his last goodbyes to the house-elves, thanking them all for the seven years of sweets and cakes they had provided him with. Harry was actually welcome of the time to himself. Sirius and the Weasleys had only left two days ago, and anywhere inside the school he went, he was surrounded by what seemed like thousands of people.

Earlier that day, all four of them had been able to look at their files. They had all gathered around in a circle, and Hermione read each of them out. They were all written like a proper story, but contained very important things. They started with Ginny’s.

‘Ginny Weasley…the first female born into the Weasley family for several generations. And right from the very start, she was special. Born of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewitt, she caused a stir in the Weasley family through being a girl. Quite soon after she was born, she (unknowingly) saved the lives of all her family by sending thought signals into her mother’s brain about a fire starting in the kitchen. The family just scraped through. Then, when she was seven years old, a prophecy was made about her, saying that she would be the one to help the ‘Chosen One’ through his hardship. So, she was destined to love Harry Potter. Also, another prophecy was made about her by Sybill Trelawney (yes, a real one) that she was to borne the child who would become the most powerful witch or wizard to ever walk the planet. No one but I and you four are to know about this, until such times as the prophecy is proven.’

They next read Ron’s.

‘Ron Weasley was never seen as anyone important until he befriended Harry Potter in his first year at Hogwarts. He is, indeed someone important. In fact, he saved Harry Potter from being killed by Lord Voldemort in first year by winning the chess competition. He then helped Harry through the next six years of his life, being the best friend and closet to a family member he ever had. But Ron is also of some importance of his own. He is destined to be the father of the child who will, one day, become the most famous headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. That child will make wonderful changes to Hogwarts, and will be guided all the way by Ron.’

Then they read Hermione’s.

‘Hermione Granger is the smartest witch ever to be born of muggle parents. From her birth she had amazing qualities. She started walking when she was only two months old and said her first word ‘onomatopoeia’ when she was three months. She excelled in all her tests during primary school and Hogwarts. Offered to move up THREE classes, she refused, saying she didn’t want to miss any of her years at school. Hermione is possibly the world’s most intelligent person, and is also said to become the world’s most successful female auror.’

And finally, Harry’s.

‘Well, Harry Potter. I think we’ll leave all this stuff about Voldemort out. We’re all pretty sure of his battles and so on. But of course, as always, the hero wins the day and Harry is the victor. He is the youngest person ever to come into his powers, making him the most powerful wizard ever, (until Ginny’s child is born). He has fulfilled his first prophecy, by beating Voldemort, but there is also another few. Nothing quite as important though! He is destined to become the most successful auror ever and also one of the richest ever. His child (Ginny’s) is set to be the most powerful person ever and Harry will teach the child everything he knows. Also, Harry is set to invent one of the most powerful spells ever. It is not known what the spell will do, but we do know that it will be used for good purposes.’

Ron tutted. ‘Is that it? We waited all year for that?’

‘Ron! Don’t you know what this means?’

'A load of stuff we could have guessed! We already knew how smart you are, and how great Harry is! And that stuff about my kids? I'd rather it have been a surprise!’

Hermione tutted and marched off to pack some more stuff.

And know Harry was sitting thinking over it all again. Ron wasn’t completely wrong. None of it was the über-exciting things they had dreamt of. But they were still pleased, and Harry wasn’t complaining. He was going to be the best (and richest) auror ever and he was going to have the most powerful child ever with Ginny. In short, it was a pretty good life. But some of it he would have liked to be a surprise.

Hermione came rushing into the room. ‘Hi Harry! Have you seen Crookshanks?’

‘Nope, last time I saw him, he was chasing a bee. Are you all packed?’

‘Of course! But my parents are coming tomorrow to take Crookshanks. You know the only pets we can have at Auror College are owls! Don’t tell me you’re not packed!’

‘Just a few bits and bobs to put in.’ he lied.

‘Well, we have to move in to the flat tomorrow! I can't believe we have to go to college for one week and then start the holidays! What are we going to learn?’

‘Nothing.’ Harry said, bluntly.


‘It’s an initiation period. It's not for learning. We get into our classes for the next two years and do ice-breaker games and just the getting-to-know-you stuff.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Erin told me. She came up a few days ago for a chat.’

‘Oh right. Well, I think you should get those last few things packed, Harry. I'm off to ask Colin to develop these pictures for me. I don’t have a clue what they’re of!’ she shrugged.

‘See you later then!’ Harry called.

‘And get packed!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now