A Million Galleons?

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‘Really?’ Harry asked, astounded at what he had just heard.

‘Yes…I'm afraid it's all true. He has been trying for years and now that you’ve left, he got in.’

‘So…they’re…you know…?’

‘Yes Harry. They are. I'm sorry.’

‘Don't be.’ Harry said as he stood up. ‘Come on. We’re starting a new topic today aren’t we?’

‘Harry. Sit back down. You’re in denial.’

‘No…for once, Erin. You're wrong. Now, I don't want to talk about this any more. I want to get on with class.’

Erin had no choice but to go and start the lesson. She had told Harry what happened. He didn’t seem to show any emotion. Maybe he was trying to be brave…but from what she had heard, Harry had never been ashamed to show his emotions. Oh well, only time will tell how he truly feels.

Erin walked out behind Harry and stood at the front of the class.

‘Right…today we’re going to be talking about our new topic. Can anyone remember everything we’ve done since September? Yes, Hermione.’

‘We’ve done patronuses, begun invisibility, studied giants and why they can repel minor spells, hexes and jinxes and we’ve done a NEWT level of werewolf studying.’

‘Well done, Hermione. Right, so can anyone guess what we’re going to be studying from now until Christmas? No one? Okay then. You have to understand that this is nothing to do with the curriculum and I had to get special permission from Dumbledore to teach you it.’

‘What is it?’

‘Now, now, Seamus, let me finish. This is only meant for a little bit of fun before the holidays so nothing you learn here will need to be revised, okay?’

‘Right, just tell us!’

‘Okay then. As you all know, I am a fully trained auror.’

‘Yes, but what has that got to do with our bloody classes? Come on Erin! The suspense is killing me!’ Dean shouted.

Erin laughed. ‘It is highly relevant, Dean. Now, just listen. I have managed to get special permission to teach you in………AUROR STUDIES!’

‘Everyone sat staring, open-mouthed at their teacher. She looked hurt.

‘If you don't want to, it's fine. We can stick to the lesson plan.’ 

‘No Erin, its sounds bloody brilliant.’ Ron managed to say. ‘We’re just so shocked that we’re allowed to do it! It’s meant to be really difficult.’

‘Well, I'm only going to show you the basics, but I think you are all capable of doing it. Are any of you considering a career as an auror in the near future?’

Harry raised his hand and looked around for another. Slowly Ron raised his, followed closely by Ginny's.

‘Ah, the two Weasleys. I know you are a very talented family. You two would make very good aurors indeed. And yes…Mr Potter. I should have guessed. I personally believe you will be excellent, possibly better than Mad-Eye.’

Harry grinned at her, knowing full well that she meant Mad-Eye before he went mad. He used to be the best auror the Ministry.

Erin looked around the room again. ‘Hermione, I thought you might consider it.’

Hermione looked confused. ‘Well, I was thinking about it. I still am, but with those three dong it, I don't think there will be any dark wizards for me to catch.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now