Christmas Is Coming

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Cristmas is coming!!!!! I can't wait! I might not be able to post my next chapter of A Shift Through Time before I go on holiday, that is why I am posting a couple of chapters of this story.

I know it's a bit too early but..... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! <3 U ALL


Harry and his friends went to dinner that night with everyone else. All their classmates ran over to them, asking lots of questions about where they had been all day. When they found out, they were astounded. Dean scoffed.

‘I wish I had actually tried!’ he moaned. But Seamus landed him in it.

‘You did try! Me and you practised for about an hour every day so don’t say you didn’t try.’

‘Yeah well…I wish I had tried harder.’

Ron took great pleasure in telling the whole Gryffindor table about the auror offices and he took even greater pleasure in telling them that his picture was on the wall of fame. At this point, Hermione chipped in.

‘Everyone who was at the Department of Mysteries is in there, Ron. Not just you.’

‘Yeah, I know! I was just getting to that part!’ he said, blushing slightly. 

Ron continued with the story. ‘And then we had lunch with the minister, that’s my dad, and the office was so cool! There was all this marble and oak stuff everywhere and a little house elf to get dad whatever he wants. I wish I was minister!’

Harry shook his head. ‘No you don’t! You would have to make all those important decisions that would affect the whole country and then, if you made a wrong choice, you wouldn’t be able to pass the blame off onto anyone else! No, I'm going to be happy as an auror.’

Ron knew he was right and quickly turned his attention to the shepherd’s pie on his plate, Harry was right AGAIN. He was always right, the famous Harry Potter. Ron knew that it wasn’t Harry's fault that he was who he was but sometimes; Ron just wished he was Harry. Just for one day, to see what being famous is like. To see what being the nation’s hero is like. To see what being endlessly popular is like. Ron didn’t want to be Harry when he was going to fight Voldemort. He just wanted to be him on a normal day. Ron tried to put the jealous thoughts to the back of his mind. He knew that he was very lucky. His dad was minister for magic, he had a wonderful loving family and he had Hermione. 

Ron turned to Harry. ‘Do you ever not want to be you?’

‘Yeah…all the time. Why?’

‘Because, promise not to laugh, but sometimes I wish I was you.’

‘God, that’s so stupid.’

‘I know but you’ve got everything I want. You’re cool and popular and everyone loves you, you are head boy and you’re great at everything!’

‘Yeah but I'm also an orphan, my Godfather died two years ago and if I don’t kill Voldemort pretty soon, the world is doomed.’

'Yeah, I suppose…but aren’t you ever glad you’re you?’

‘Yeah. I'm glad I've got loads of friends and stuff for support and I'm glad that I'm powerful but you really don’t want to be me.’

‘I think I do.’

‘You don’t. If you were to be me, you wouldn’t be able to cope. The only way I can is that I'm used to it. You walk into a life like mine after being a normal person for seventeen years, into would turn you crazy.’

Ron didn’t want to go crazy. He didn’t want to go crazy, and Harry was right. He didn’t want all the pressure and responsibility. No, he would just stick with being Ronald Billius Weasley, right hand man to Harry Potter, goalkeeper of the best team in the school, boyfriend and brother to the smartest witches in school and deputy head boy. Actually, his life was pretty good. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now