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Not Mine


Tuesday passed, they did their theory in the morning and their practical in the afternoon, and it was all okay with Harry. He had done a lot of the spells at the DA and had read a lot about some one of them in the book he had got from Remus and Tonks. No one looked terribly frightened and even Neville looked content. Several times during both tests, Harry had looked over at Malfoy, for no apparent reason. He couldn’t bring himself to feel the hatred he had so often felt when he saw Malfoy. He actually felt a little sympathy for him. He was stuck in a family where all they cared about was wealth, power and blood, and he hated it. He also didn’t want to be involved in the dark arts, which showed he wasn’t all bad. Maybe he was just misunderstood. 

Harry thought he did average in his theory test, but did pretty well in his practical. He did all the spells well and said the incantations loudly and clearly. His wand movement was perfect and when he was finished, the examiner gave him a large smile and let him go. Harry was the first to be let go. He stood outside and waited for the next person. Just as he had expected it was Hermione, and the first thing she did was get out her charms book to check she had done everything right. A large grin appeared on her face just as Ginny was leaving the great hall. They all stood together, waiting for Ron. Hermione and Ginny were discussing the charms they had been tested on. Harry was making faces and wondering why they had to go through the test again! The door opened, they all expected Ron to come out but instead, it was Malfoy. Hermione and Ginny prepared their usual glares, but Malfoy walked by, ignoring them. He nodded to Harry, who returned the gesture. As soon as Draco was out of ear-shot, Ginny turned on Harry.

‘What was that?’

‘A nod.’

‘Why did you nod at him?’

‘Because he nodded at me!’

‘That’s a guys way of say “alright mate” and you are not supposed to be his mate!’

‘It doesn’t mean alright mate, how do you know what a guy thinks?’

‘I read it!’


‘In a magazine.’

‘Those things don’t know anything. Malfoy and I…we have an understanding now, alright?’

‘Whatever…’ Ginny replied and stalked off.

‘What's got into her?’ Harry asked Hermione, who looked just as bewildered.

‘I don’t know. Personally, I think it's great that you and Malfoy aren’t screaming insults at each other every time you meet. I'm going to explain that to Ginny. Will you wait for Ron?’

‘Yeah, sure.’

Hermione followed Ginny up the stairs which led to their tower. Ron came through the door.

‘Where are the girls?’ he asked.

‘Well, Ginny pissed off because she is pissed off at me. Hermione followed her.’

‘The golden couple fell out?’ Ron teased. ‘What about?’

‘All I did was nod!’

‘What?’ Ron asked, bemused.

‘Well, Malfoy walked past and he nodded at me, you know the way guys just…nod, well, I nodded back and Ginny got pissed off.’

‘You nodded?’

‘Yes, I nodded.’

‘I didn’t think I'd ever see the day when you nodded at Malfoy. But it can't be a bad thing, surely?’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now