The Fallout

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Not mine!!!!!


The next morning, Hedwig swooped into Harry and Ron's room at about 6am. She pecked at Harry to get up. He finally forced himself to get up and take the letter she had for him. He put on his glasses, opened the letter and read.

‘Dear Harry.

How are the babies? Have Remus and Tonks chosen names yet? Hope everyone is well. I am just writing to say that I will not be coming to Grimmauld Place for Christmas. I have too much work to do. I am taking my OWLs on the first week back after the holidays so I'm staying so that I can get in as much revision as possible. Parvati and Lavender are staying as well so at least I won't be lonely. Please do not get me a Christmas present as I have not had any time to get you anything. I apologise a thousand times for this much I really haven’t stopped working all year. 

Dumbledore told me to tell you to inform Molly that he would love to attend Christmas dinner and will arrive on Christmas Eve morning.

Write back please.



Harry gave a sigh of relief. He had totally forgotten to get Petunia a present and although he felt guilty, he was quite glad she told him not to.

He wrote a quick reply. 

‘Dear Petunia. 

Are you sure about the present?

The babies are fine. The girl is called Rhiannon Hermione and the boy is called Sirius Harry James. After Sirius, me and my dad! The girl is called after Hermione because she delivered the babies. Ron and Hermione are Sirius’ godparents and me and Ginny are Rhiannon’s! I know! Isn’t it crazy, but I am so pleased.

I really hope you do well in these OWLs because you’ve definitely worked for them!

See you soon, then.



Now that he was up, Harry knew he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep so he got up and showered. Coming out of the shower at about seven o’clock, Harry met Ron on the staircase. 

‘On your way to wake Hermione with some roses?’ he teased. 

Ron scoffed. ‘No! I stopped that, ages ago! I'm up because I'm so nervous!’

‘About what?’

‘The christening! I don’t know what to do or what to wear or anything!’

Harry had completely forgotten. ‘Oh shit! I forgot about that! Ron, what am I supposed to do? I'm really nervous as well! Do we even have to say anything?’

‘I don’t know. I was just going to ask mum because she’s been a godmother loads of times.’

‘I’ll come with you then. Go on!’ Harry poked him downstairs and followed him into the kitchen, still dressed in his towel.

They walked into the kitchen to the familiar site of Molly standing at the oven.

‘Morning boys!’ she said, briskly. ‘Harry, you really should put some clothes on. There’s not much heat in this house.’

‘Yeah I was just going. We were just wondering about the christening later. What do we have to do?’

‘Oh, nothing really. Just stand there and say yes a lot.’

‘And that’s it?’

‘Yes. The priest will ask you if you will protect the child and stuff like that. Nothing big.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now