The Last Match

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Not Mine


The next two months flew by, much to Harry’s disgust. He only had one week left to revise for his NEWTS. Not many seventh year pupils were seen outside their common rooms unless to go to the great hall to eat or if they had any classes.

Most of the teachers had cancelled all their seventh year classes to give time for extra revision. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny took advantage of this and revised till the information was coming out of their ears.

Even though the whole Gryffindor team was under pressure from the NEWTs, they were managing to stay at the top of the league, and, much to Hermione’s delight, they also had the most house points. What Hermione didn’t know was that sometimes, Harry would award people like Seamus points for sneezing and Lavender points for screaming, ‘Oh my God! My mascara is running!’

It was soon the last match of the season, and as always, it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Slytherin was just below Gryffindor in the league and they had to win by at least one hundred points. Harry was slightly worried. He knew none of the Slytherin team gave a damn about the NEWTs and probably hadn’t been spending too much time revising. They had probably been practising every night.

All Harry had to do was find the snitch first.

Twenty minutes later, there was no sign of the snitch. The score was 100-90 to Gryffindor. Harry was getting worried. He could see Malfoy circling the pitch from high above, just like he was. When they past each other, he would smirk and zoom away. Harry hated him.

Another Gryffindor goal later and still, there was no sign of the snitch. Harry was getting more and more agitated. He flew around, screaming at Ginny, Lavender and Parvati to score more goals, yelling at Ron not to let any more and telling Seamus and Dean to knock every member of the Slytherin team off their brooms. He felt guilty for shouting but he really wanted to win this. 

He scanned the pitch once again but saw nothing. He glanced at Draco, who, evidently, could see nothing either. They began circling the pitch again.

Another hour later and Harry could see lots of uninterested girls leaving the stands. It was getting rather boring. No one had scored a goal in about fifteen minutes and the score was pretty tight, 170-150 to Gryffindor. Harry thought of something and shot into a vertical dive. He could feel Draco hot on his heels, even though he couldn’t see the snitch.

Harry could hear the commentator (Luna) talking about it. ‘Oh look! Harry’s seen something. It's probably the snitch, but you never know. Could bee a piece of bubblegum, you never know. There are lots of interesting things around this castle. One time I saw a - ’


‘Sorry, Professor. Back to the game…’

He sped right to the bottom of the pitch and about five feet before the ground; he pulled out of the dive. Malfoy was caught unawares and wasn’t able to pull out of his dive. He crashed to the ground. 

‘Seems he didn’t see anything after all. Oh well, that Draco Malfoy character looks hurt. Pity…’

Harry grinned as he sped to the top of the pitch again. He met Ginny on the way.

‘That was dirty Harry!’ she laughed.

Ten minutes later, when some more people were leaving, Harry spotted Ron dancing around at his end of the pitch. He was waving his arms in Harry’s direction.

Harry sped over to him, and when he got closer, he realised why he was dancing. The golden snitch was fluttering around his left ear. Ron was trying to edge away from it, but it seemed to like him. It kept following him.

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