Draco's First Night

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Not Mine


Soon, the fifth and sixth years dissolved away and only the seventh years were left. They were all sitting drinking butterbeer and talking about the tests. 

‘Hey, Neville.’ Lavender said. ‘Are you on something tonight?’

‘No,’ Draco said nervously. ‘Why?’

‘You just seem a lot more loud and…well…loud? Very un-neville-ish, actually.’

‘Really? I expect it's just the relief of the exams being over.’ Draco said.

‘Yeah, but your exams were over yesterday.’ she said.

Hermione coughed. ‘Look Lavender, this isn’t Neville, okay? I’ll tell you if you sign this paper.’

Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Parvati all signed Hermione's paper, cursing her addiction to that spell. They had just promised not to tell anyone about what they were about to hear.

‘Okay, Neville, do you still have that piece of parchment?’ she said to Draco.

‘Yeah it's in my pocket. Here.’ he gave Hermione the list of names. She added Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

Slowly, all their eyes widened as they saw Draco Malfoy appear before their eyes.

‘Holy shit…’ Lavender said. ‘It's Draco-bloody-Malfoy. In the Gryffindor common room!’ 

‘Why did we think you were Neville? You so obviously aren’t.’ Parvati said, twirling her hair around her finger.

Hermione explained the whole situation to Lavender and Parvati who smiled and flirted with Malfoy the whole way through the explanation. Then at the end of it, Hermione reminded them that they had signed the paper and that they weren’t allowed to tell anyone. 

‘Yeah alright, Hermione.’ Parvati said.

‘Fine. So, Draco, you don’t mind if I call you Draco? You’re not an evil, lying, cheating, Voldy-supporter after all then?’

‘Well, I'm not a Voldy-supporter.’ he laughed.

Parvati and Lavender giggled, even though they didn’t see the funny side.

Malfoy said it because, even though he wasn’t an evil lying cheater, it was these thoughts that gave him the ‘hot guy’ reputation. He was the bad guy that, even though he was bad, everyone wanted him. And to be honest, he liked the reputation. It made him more interesting. 

Around two o’clock, Lavender and Parvati started acting a little weird, as if they were drunk. Even though there had been no alcohol at the party. 

Lavender stood up. ‘I am now going to explain the “hot” thing. I shall need you, Draco, you, Harry, you, Ron, and you, Seamus. No Dean, not you. Would you all kindly stand in a row over there?’ No one moved. ‘OVER THERE!’ 

Draco, Harry, Ron and Seamus all got up and stood in a row. Dean sat in the chair and huffed. 

‘Dean, I don’t need you because you and Seamus are in the same group of hot guys, it's nothing personal. You’re still hot.’

Dean brightened up a little.

Lavender stood up and addressed the people who were still seated. ‘I shall now demonstrate the hot thing. There are four types of hot guys. And I have four examples. The first one is Ron! Step forward Ron. Ron is in what I call “the clumsy but cute” group. He is extremely clumsy and not of an excellent intelligence, but very cute. And the clumsiness makes him even cuter. You may sit down now Ron.’ Lavender stumbled along the row to Seamus.

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