They Dissapeared

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Not Mine Guys


Harry and Ron were finally packed and Hermione and Ginny had finally accepted that this was their last Hogwarts feast ever. All their tears had been wiped away and Harry and Ron had allowed the girls to check their rooms for anything left behind. And now they were on their way to the feast. Everyone was silent on their way down to the hall. They passed people. Girls were still sighing at Harry and Ginny was still muttering spells at them under her breath. Guys were still glaring at Harry because all the girls were in love with him. Nothing was unusual, and that was just the way Harry liked it.

They walked into the magnificently decorated hall and walked to the Gryffindor table. They chatted for a few moments with Dean and Seamus and waited for everyone to get in and sit down.

About ten minutes later, Dumbledore stood up and ordered everyone to eat. No speech about Harry's bravery or anything. Harry was extremely happy. The food was delicious and all the talk was merry. Harry and his friends talked with Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Parvati about going to Auror College the next day. Everyone was so excited for them. Harry glanced over at Draco at the Slytherin table. He was talking to a second year, who looked positively delighted to be talking with Draco Malfoy, no matter how much the rest of the table hated him. Draco didn’t look upset or sad and there was a colour in his usually pale cheek and there was a glint in his usually lifeless eyes.

When everyone was full of every nice food you can imagine, he stood up and started making his speech.

‘This year, I am very sorry to see a very special group of students leave us. Now, I'm no shower of favouritism, but this year was something special. They had the smartest witch to ever enter Hogwarts, Hermione Granger; they had Ron and Ginny Weasley, who are two of the most amazing people I have ever met; they had Draco Malfoy, who is one of the bravest wizards I have ever known and they had the ultimate wizard…Harry Potter! Now I'm not going to bore you all with a month-long speech about him (everyone laughed) but I just want you all to give this year a round of applause for everything they’ve done!’

Dumbledore sat down as the whole hall erupted into a massive round of applause.

The rest of the evening was complete bliss for Harry and his friends. They just talked and laughed with the other people around them and forgot about everything that had gone before, just for that evening. At eleven o’clock Hermione instructed them all to bed because they were getting an early train in the morning. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Draco all said their goodbyes to their friends and promised to keep in touch. Then they went off to their dorms, Draco disappearing down to the dungeons after swearing to Hermione that he will be up early enough for the train and has everything packed. 

When they reached their tower, Hermione and Ron said goodnight and Harry left Ginny off at her room and fell into bed, thinking about the next day.

Five minutes later he heard a knock at the door. Ginny slipped in and under the covers. She cuddled up to him.

‘Harry?’ she whispered.

‘When was the last time you kissed me?’


‘You heard me.’ she said, louder this time.

‘I…I…I don’t know.’ he stuttered.

‘Yeah I thought so.’

‘Are you blaming it on me? When was the last time you kissed me!?’

‘Am…I don’t know. But that’s not the point!’

‘Yeah, it's your point.’ Harry scoffed and sat upright in the bed.

‘Look, Harry. All I mean is that we haven’t had any time together for ages.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now