Into College

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Not Mine

Last chapter guys, hope you enjoyed the story. All credit goes to erinpotter I'm just sharing this wondeful story with you guys.


Harry went first, followed by Draco, Ginny, Ron and Hermione brought up the rear. 

‘Wands out, guys.’ Harry said. ‘I'm opening the door.’ 

He stretched out his arm and twisted the handle. It swung open and he led the group into the pitch black room. 

‘Lumos.’ he whispered, and everyone else copied him. There seemed to be nothing in the room. The group formed a circle, facing outwards. Erin had taught them that this was the best way of defence when in a group because you could see opponents coming from all directions. They kept their wands lit and Harry kept going, looking desperately for a way out of the eerily empty and endless room. 

‘Look over there,’ Ron whispered. ‘It's a door.’

‘Go on, then Ron. Walk towards it, but keep the formation!’ Harry instructed.

Ron led the way to the door. As he neared it, he saw that it was a metal door, with lots of locks on it. He tried ‘Alohomora!’ but it didn’t work. 

'Let me try, Ron.’ Hermione whispered. ‘BOMBARDA!’ 

The door practically flew off the wall. Hermione then led the group into a small, dimly lit room with five chairs around a single coffee table. They went in and sat down. On the table, there was another note. Hermione read it out. 

‘Well done. If you split up and you aren’t all here, you have to go back out to the courtyard where you chose the doors. Wait there for everyone else. If you are all here, then you have passed the first test. I know it may be hard, but you all must stand on the coffee table. It will form another glass lift. Sorry for any inconvenience.’

‘Yes! We did it! Come on lads, onto the table!’ Ron said, jumping onto the table and nearly breaking it. They all got themselves onto the table and let the glass walls rise up around them again. The lift took them out of the small room and it flew over the building until they reached a small hole in the roof where the lift fitted exactly. When they got in, the roof closed over, and they were in a very grand room filled with the types of gadgets that Mad-Eye Moody used to have in his office. Harry assumed this was the office of the headmaster. If they had those things at college. He wasn’t sure about anything anymore. There was a loud bang behind them and they all pivoted around and got their wands out. There was smoke everywhere and a figure was standing in the middle. Harry muttered a shield charm around the five of them. 

‘No need, Mr Potter!’ said a voice. ‘I'm not going to hurt you.’

‘Who are you?’ Ron said.

‘Me? My name is Kathleen, but you can call me Kathy.’

‘Yeah but who are you?’ Hermione said.

The figure started to move, five wands followed her.

‘Look, I'm not going to hurt you! You can put the wands down.’ Kathy said, but no one moved.

Kathy was coming into view. She wasn’t a thin woman, but she wasn’t large. She had a tanned complexion and long dark curls which fell down her back. She looked like someone from Spain. She looked to be in her thirties and was very beautiful. She sat down at a desk.

‘My name is Kathy LaTeirri. I'm the head of this college and you five, I presume, are my new students.’


Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now