Weasley? Why do I know that name?

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Not mine belongs to erinpotter on HPFF


‘Duck, Professor!’ Harry shouted.

‘Thanks Harry!’ Dumbledore replied, after dodging a killing curse for the eighth time!

Harry looked at the death eaters. There were only four left standing and they were quickly making their way towards him. He could see that the two at the front were still Bellatrix and Lucius. He wanted to kill Lucius so much, and he was trying. He was shooting every spell he could remember and all the ones he had made up.

Ron, Hermione and Ginny were all screaming curses and jinxes Harry had taught them at the DA and more. Harry felt responsible for all their lives and so he was trying to stay alive and uncaptured himself, while looking out for everyone else.

‘Stupefy Totalus!’ he cried as he pointed his wand at the death eaters. Lucius flicked his wand and a shield charm blocked it away from himself and Bellatrix. The other two were knocked out.

‘Yes!’ Harry whispered, and hid a secret smile. He could see the two remaining masked figures were getting tired. Harry shot another spell at them. It was one Snape had made up, ‘Sectumsempra!’

Large slashes appeared in Bellatrix’s robes and in her skin under the robes. It was as if someone had got a sword and slashed her. Lucius stopped to look at her, quickly. No one fired at him.

‘Where did you learn that spell, Potter?’

‘A…a…a book.’ Harry stuttered. It was untrue.


‘I'm not lying! I swear.’

‘Did Severus Snape teach you it?’

‘No! Do you honestly think that that asshole would teach me something like that?’

‘Then where did you learn it?’

‘A book, I told you! Why are you so interested?’

‘I'm not.’

‘You are! Tell me why you want to know.’

‘Oh yeah – we’ll just have a nice little chat here – impedimenta!’

Harry dodged the spell, but Ron wasn’t very quick off the mark and it hit him right in the chest. A fire rose in his chest and his anger got the best of him. He charged at Malfoy. 

‘Expelliarmus! Sectumsempra! Levicorpus!’ he said, whilst running at Malfoy.

Malfoy was now dripping with blood from slashes all over his body, and hanging upside down by the ankles. Harry walked up to his and pulled his mask off. His white blond hair fell down and hung, getting covered in blood.

‘Well, well, well. I see I have totally messed you up again. Why do you try Lucius?’

Malfoy tried to reply but a large gash in his throat made it physically impossible.

‘Hermione, have you got a quill and parchment?’ 

‘Yes, I have some here in my bag.’

‘Okay, write this down for me. Ready?’


‘Right, next time, it's you, but only ten times worse! Love, Harry. And emphasis the love, okay?’

‘Yeah, got it.’ Hermione rushed over and gave Harry the parchment.

‘Albus, could you perform a permanent sticking charm. I think we should stick it…over this lovely tattoo, what you do you think?’ Harry asked Dumbledore, pointing to the dark mark.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now