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The next morning, Harry woke early for no reason at all. He decided to get up anyway. He got up and showered and dressed. When he came out of the shower, he saw that a large tawny owl was on his window sill. It had a letter attached to its leg. He opened it and let the bird in. He carefully untied the letter and let the bird into Hedwig’s cage for a drink and a rest. He didn’t know how far it had come. He opened the letter carefully, wondering why it had not come with the morning post. He put a shield charm around himself anyway. When he opened it, he knew it wasn’t from anyone he didn’t know or anything. It was from Erin.

‘Hey Harry!

It's Erin here. Look, you four have to meet me in my office for your prize, but you have to be here for a quarter to eight. I told my owl to go to you because you would probably be a light sleeper. I'm sorry if he rapped the window but you need to be up to get these prizes. And don’t bother putting on robes, just wear normal clothes. We’re leaving the school grounds! But I don’t want to give too much away so I’ll stop writing now. 

Hurry up and please don’t be let.



Harry was really excited. He looked at his clock. It was seven o’clock so he raced downstairs to Ginny and woke her up. She didn’t want to get up but he told her it was to do with the prize. She reluctantly got up and went for a shower. 

He ran across to Ron’s room. He knocked the door and walked in, hoping it was safe. It was. Ron was in his bed, sleeping, alone. Harry went over and poked him repeatedly. Then whispered in his ear. ‘Ron, Ginny’s pregnant.’

Ron jumped out of bed and pointed his wand at Harry, who was wetting himself with laughter. 

‘She’s not really. But you have to get up because we need to be at Erin’s office at quarter to eight for our prize so get washed and put on normal clothes. Hurry up.’

Harry went to Hermione's room to wake her. All she needed was a little nudge and she was rolling over looking at Harry. 

‘What?’ she said.

‘Not very polite, Miss Granger! Anyways, I'm here to tell you to get up. I got a letter from Erin. Here, read it.’

Hermione squinted her tired eyes and a smile spread across her face. ‘Cool, I'm off for a shower. Are those two up?’

‘Yeah I woke them first.’

‘Right okay. I'm up.’

She got out of bed and headed into her bathroom. Harry went to his own bedroom and changed into muggle clothes. 

At about half past seven, everyone was ready to go. Hermione suggested getting a bit of breakfast before they left. Just in case.

They all agreed and set off for the great hall. They went in and grabbed a slice of toast each (Ron took two) and headed off to Erin’s office. 

When they got there, Harry walked in first. He knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. She shouted out to them, ‘Come on in!’

They all came in and looked at the small figure before them. She looked very cool in a pair of jeans and t shirt and trainers. They were all dressed in casual clothes, thankfully. Hermione was a little worried that she would have needed to dress up a little more.

Erin smiled at them. ‘Right, champions! Ready for today?’

‘Where are we going?’ Ron asked.

‘It's a surprise! No only joking. We are going to the ministry of magic.

They al tried to look enthusiastic and Ginny even tried to say, ‘cool’ but it faded out.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now