The Head Boy and Girl

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Ginny’s feet were itching to get Harry onto the dancefloor but she had to wait. The headmaster had to reveal the new head boy and head girl. As much as Ginny hoped it was Harry, she couldn’t help but wish that they would hurry up.

Hermione was fidgeting in her seat. She really wanted to be head girl, and although she wouldn’t tell this to anyone, she knew she was worthy of it. She was the smartest pupil in the school and loved having responsibility. She even hoped that she was some sort of inspiration for the younger students.

Ron was bored. He did have a bit of a chance to be head boy. After all, he had been given a prefect badge so the headmaster must think he’s something. But then, Draco Malfoy got one too…

Harry didn’t know what to think. He knew that he didn’t have much chance at being head boy. He hadn’t even been a prefect. But his father had done it. Why couldn’t he? Professor Dumbledore had even said that he was worthy of it, but just had too much going on at the time. Maybe he still had too much going on, if not more.

Professor Dumbledore stood up and addressed the seventh years and some of the younger students who had been asked to the ball. 
‘My dear children.’ he said. Some people muttered at being addressed as children. Dumbledore chuckled. He might’ve known this would happen.

‘I did not mean that you were children. You are obviously not’ he glanced at Harry. ‘But you will always be my children! Now, let’s get to business.’

Everyone sat up straighter in their seats, hoping to give the headmaster one last impression of them. Dumbledore smiled. ‘I'm afraid the head boy and girl are already chosen. This ball is not to help choose them, but to celebrate with them.’

Everyone slumped again, except Hermione. She still held that little glimmer of hope.

‘The procedure will hold us all in suspense, I think. Everyone will stand up when the deputy head says the word. She will then call out the names of those who are not going to be the head boy and head girl in groups of five. Do you understand? Yes? Okay. When your name is called, you must sit in your seat. You have not got a chance if your name is called. When the final group, which will contain ten students, five boys and five girls, is left, they shall be called out going from 10-1. Still understand? Yes? Then stand up!’

All the seventh years stood up and awaited their name. Ginny sat beside Harry's empty seat, wondering what it would be like next year without Harry and her two other friends. Professor McGonagall began to speak.

‘When I call your name, you must sit. No questions asked.’ she said. ‘The first people to be out of the running are, Gregory Goyle, Neville Longbottom, Vincent Crabbe, Meredith Blake and Miranda Gobo.’
They all sat down, Neville grinning. He never ever wanted responsibility, except in Herbology. Harry, Ron and Hermione stood through the whole thing until the last five were called out, ‘Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan and Susan Bones.’
Susan and Lavender cried but Dean and Seamus just laughed. Head boy-ship would mean leaving their carefree days behind them. 
Harry looked around. There was him, Hermione, Ron, Justin Finch-Fletchy, two Hufflepuff girls Harry did not know, one Ravenclaw boy and one Ravenclaw girl, and two Slytherins. Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. Harry shot them a very dirty look which was usually reserved for Snape, but they were allowed it, just this once. Malfoy smirked. He loved getting one over on Harry. 
All too soon, the people left standing were dropping back into their seats. Soon there was no Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaw left. The next name to be called was, ‘Ronald Weasley.’
Ron jumped and punched the air. He didn’t have to have all those extra duties and didn’t need to go and speak with the headmaster every other minute. But most of all, he could still have fun. He saw the anxiety in Hermione’s face, she needed to get this. Ron thought that she might have a nervous breakdown if Pansy Parkinson got to be head girl. Ron knew that that Harry and Hermione would get it. After all, why would the headmaster pick two people who are so associated with Voldemort to be the two leading role models in the school! Think about it, Hermione!

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. ‘And finally. Hermione Granger and Harry Potter…’

Malfoy’s smirk turned into a full on grin. 

‘…are our new head boy and girl.’ 

Malfoy’s face dropped and Hermione shrieked with delight. Harry had donned a little smile and hugged Hermione when she had smothered him.

‘Oh Harry, I have so many ideas! I've been planning this since first year.’

‘Ok, ok Hermione. Calm down. This isn’t very head girlish.’

‘No, no. you’re right. It isn’t. I better straighten myself up.’ she turned to the teachers table where only the head and deputy head sat at the moment. The others were due to come in when the ceremony was over. Dumbledore smiled at the boy, no, man, he had watched for six years. He had grown into more of a man than was expected of him and he would probably gain more powers than he had already. 

‘Miss Granger, Mr Potter. I hope you are pleased.’

‘Oh yes, headmaster, I am!’

‘Yeah, it’s great.’

‘Well, congratulations. Now, I believe you have some badges to get. Minerva, bring over the badges please. Mr and Miss Weasley. Come over here please.’

Ron and Ginny got up. Ron tumbled clumsily over the bench and Ginny practically glided over to Harry's side. She was so graceful.

Professor McGonagall handed Professor Dumbledore four badges. 

‘Mr Weasley. You are to be Miss Granger’s deputy. You are not as powerful as a head boy, but you are more powerful than a prefect. Please use this position wisely.’

‘I will headmaster.’ Ron said, rather quickly. He was eager to get his badge.

‘Miss Weasley, you are in the same position as Ron. Also use it wisely.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘Miss Granger.’ 

Hermione squeaked at the mention of her name.

‘You must be completely responsible for most things going on in this castle. Like the Halloween ball etc. You must show to everyone that you are most worthy of this badge and you must do that by continuing to act as you always have. You may dock house points if needs be and give out detentions and lesser punishments. Please be wise.’

‘Yes headmaster.’

‘Harry. Last but not least, eh? We’ve had some hard times you and me, but we’ve had good ones too. I know that you have a lot on your plate at the moment but I also know that you are definitely most capable of keeping up the head boy standard. It’s very rare to become head boy when you have never been a prefect, but your father did a fine job and I'm sure you'll do your best. 
Look after yourself, son.’

‘Er, yeah. I will. Thanks.’

Harry whispered to Ginny, ‘Did he just call me son?’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now