More Athletic Ability

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Harry stood, pondering over what Erin had just said. He wondered if it would be a good thing or not. She had just told them that the game would be played in the dark and that the only tree they were allowed to guard was the one they had just been assigned. 

Harry decided it was a good thing. The other two teams weren’t trying to fool him and they would have a little difficulty in finding the tree. Hermione was a smart girl so Harry thought they’d do pretty well. He grabbed Hermione and told her his plan. 

‘Okay, Hermione. You just do your best and find the trees; you’re smart so I guess you’ll do fine. I am going to circle the tree so that I can see anyone coming towards up from any direction. You cool with the plan?’ he said.

‘Yeah, that’s fine.’ Hermione nodded.

Erin blew the whistle. 

‘Go, Hermione, go!’ Harry said, as he began circling the tree in an anticlockwise direction. 

Ten minutes later, Harry looked at his watch. He wondered if Hermione had gotten anywhere, then all of a sudden a large figure lunged towards him. Harry was able to make out that it was Seamus. Harry grabbed him and pushed him back. Seamus fell and landed on his back. There was enough light for Harry to make out any movements he was going to make. 

He stood, ready for Seamus to attack again. He was starting to stand up, but to Harry’s amazement Seamus bolted away towards the other side of the tree.

Harry tried to push him out of the way but Seamus was too far away and he stamped Harry’s tree. Harry kicked the tree repeatedly as Seamus ran away whooping. Harry cursed himself and Seamus and everyone he could think of but quickly got back to patrolling. 

He was patrolling for another five minutes when he saw figure running towards him. He put his guard up, but as the figure got closer, he realised it was Hermione, sprinting towards them. She sped up at the last ten paces and stamped her own tree with such might and fell to the ground. Harry heard an alarm go off and saw all the forest fizzle away out of sight. They were then back in the little bit of grass in Hogwarts. Erin stood in front of them and smiled. I'm pleased to say that the team that won did it in a time I would have never guessed. It was much faster than my own time in this task, although I was with two people I didn’t work well with, but I won't make excuses. This team was wonderful. And it's, Hermione and Harry! Hermione blushed bright red but Harry grinned. He turned to Hermione and whispered. ‘Why were you running so fast back there?’

‘Seamus and I stamped Dean’s tree at the same time and I sort of had the feeling that he already had our tree so I sprinted to make sure I beat him.’

Harry laughed. He should have known Hermione was trying to beat someone. She was amazingly competitive. 

Erin continued, ‘Dean, how many stamps did you get?’


‘Okay, that’s ten points for everyone in that group. Seamus how many did you get?’


‘Ooh! It must have been close! Twenty points for all of you. And forty points each for Harry’s team for getting three trees and winning. That means Harry and Hermione are tied in the lead!’

Hermione grabbed Harry and hugged him! This time Harry blushed. 

Everyone started talking about how great Harry and Hermione were and Erin got a little pissed off. She needed to finish these today. ‘Oy! We need to get these finished! Now listen to me!’

Everyone looked at her, shocked that she had actually shouted.

She sighed. ‘I'm sorry but I had to fight tooth and nail to be allowed to do this with you and I would love you to finish it, so please, work with me.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now