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Not mine


‘It's sorted! I've given in the form!’ Ron moaned for the sixth time that evening, praying it was true.

‘Fine,’ Hermione scoffed, ‘but if you don’t get in, don’t expect me to work in Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes just because you are! I'm going, with you or without!’

‘But what if you’re not accepted?’ Ron said, stupidly.

It obviously wasn’t a good thing to say because Hermione stood up, glared at him and stalked off to her room.

‘Great going, Ron.’ Harry said, leaning back in his chair. ‘Really cool.’

‘Shut up, she just pisses me off. What's done is done, you know?’

‘Yeah, I feel exactly the same when Ginny gets started. I know she’s your sister but man, when she gets started, it's like “please shut up”.’

‘Yup, oh well. What can we do?’ 

‘Just wait until the morning and see if we’re accepted. I'm off to bed mate. To pray!’

‘Ha, yeah, me too, mate.’ 

They laughed as they each climbed their stairs.


Morning came slowly for Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Draco, as they each lay awake waiting for seven o’clock to come around.

When the five clock hands turned to seven o’clock, they all got up and washed and dressed. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were in their common room at eight o’clock. Draco was in the great hall at quarter past. 

‘Well, shall we go to the great hall?’ Harry asked.

‘No, it's way too early. We’ll just wait here.’ Ginny insisted.

‘And do what? Sit in silence?’ Ron said.

‘No, we can…er…look at some files. I never finished reading Fred and George’s!’ Ginny said, standing up and making her way to the filing cabinets.

She flicked through the files and found hers. She still couldn’t open it. 

‘Shit, I still can't open this thing! You three try!’ she threw her file to Hermione, who couldn’t open it either. She passed it to an unsuccessful Harry, who chucked it to Ron. Ron opened it with ease, but shut it quickly. He didn’t want to be cursed with Hermione’s spell.

‘Holy crap…fuck…shit…’

Ginny started to laugh. ‘Wait…Dumbledore’s taking the piss! You? More mature than Hermione and me? I don’t think so!’

‘Well, I don’t know how it happened….me? Yeah, you’re right; Dumbledore must think it's funny.’

‘I don’t think so. You can be mature, Ron. And although you come across as ignorant, self-obsessed, stupid, and immature, you’re quite mature inside.’ Harry stated.

Hermione snorted. ‘No, I think Ginny’s right. It sounds like something Albus would do. We’ll talk to him now, at breakfast.’

They all made their way to the great hall, where they found Neville at the Slytherin table, still looking happy, and Draco at the Gryffindor table looking nervous but happy. Ginny and Ron made their way over to him, while Harry and Hermione went to see the headmaster.

‘Look, it was quite funny at the start, but really…Ron?’ Hermione said.

‘Excuse me, Hermione. I don’t understand.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now