You Are Harry Potter

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Harry still beamed when he remembered that moment a week ago when he caught the snitch. People were still patting him on the back for it and Malfoy was still trying to hex him at every opportunity. When news got around what had actually happened to Ginny, Harry was raging. He went looking for Malfoy and actually tried to kill him. If it wasn’t for Ron's brute strength and Hermione's tears, Malfoy would probably be dead and buried by now. 

On the morning of the quidditch game, Malfoy had arranged a meeting for the Slytherin team. He had told them his entire plan. When Gryffindor scored their first goal and the game was into play again, everyone was to aim at Ginny and send the ‘Stupefy’ spell at her. He was planning that no one would notice until Dumbledore saved her, as he did to Harry in his third year. But Dumbledore didn’t notice until well after Harry and Harry had already saved Ginny when Dumbledore tried to. You’re probably wondering why the spells affected Ginny if she was wearing her locket. Well, the fact that there were seven spells hitting her might have affected her a little, but it wouldn’t have knocked her off her broom. The thing that happened was that someone had a bit of a bad shot and hit her broom, which was ‘knocked out’ and the flying charm was ruined. Her broom fell and so did she. 

‘I'll kill him!’ Harry shouted and Malfoy stood, apparently confidently, behind Crabbe and Goyle. 

‘He’s not worth it, mate. He’s just vermin. Look at him standing there, the coward!” Ron had told him but Harry lunged at Malfoy. Ron grabbed him in the nick of time and pulled him back. With help from Dean and Seamus, Ron managed to keep Harry back. Amidst tears, Hermione tried to tell Harry that he was head boy and just simply couldn’t do that sort of thing. 

‘He tried to kill Ginny!’ Harry screamed. ‘I just can't let him off with that!’ but he relaxed his muscles and marched off to his dorm, probably to wonder which way would be best to kill Malfoy.

Harry didn’t leave his room that day, and no one bothered him. Partly because they didn’t want him to know about the REAL reason behind Malfoy’s weird and demented plan. But he would have to find out sooner or later.

He found out sooner. It was at breakfast the next morning when Harry had told his friends that he was going to leave Malfoy alone. Torture him in another way. But even the reformed ‘calm’ Harry couldn’t help but notice that an abnormally large amount of people staring at him that morning. 

‘Right guys,’ he said, putting his knife and fork down, ‘What's going on?’

‘Oh, nothing.’ Hermione tried. 

‘Hermione, stop lying and tell me what is going on or I'll go over there and ask Malfoy myself.’

‘How do you know that it’s something to do with him?’ Ron said.

‘I guessed.’

‘Oh,’ Hermione said. ‘Well Harry, don't get mad but Malfoy DID have a bit of a plan. See, once Ginny had got close enough to the ground, he was going to speed down to her, rather like you did, and save her life. He waited until you had gone up pretty far then he made his move.’


‘I'm sorry Harry but its true. Malfoy still likes Ginny.’ Hermione sighed.

Harry stood up. He was too pissed off to eat.

‘Harry, where are you going?’ Ginny asked.

‘For a walk.’ He grunted. ‘I won't be long.’

Ginny tried to stand up to go with him but Hermione pushed her back down. ‘Look, Gin. When Harry does that it means he wants to be alone. Ron and I have learnt to deal with it. You should too. I expect he’ll be doing it a lot this year, what with Voldemort after him and Malfoy making his life hell. I think he will need a little time to think, and I think we should be polite to give it to him.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now