The Meeting

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Not Mine


It was the day before Christmas Eve when the healer came and gave permission for the twins to be handled and Ginny was first at the door. Hermione had dragged Ron up too because he had to give the impression that he was interested in his new godson.

‘I am interested, Hermione! But I haven’t had my breakfast yet! Anyway, I'm going to have my whole life to look at those little thingys.’

‘They are NOT thingys Ronald, one of them is your godson and therefore you are duty bound to appear interested in his bloody birth!’

Ron stopped arguing after that. He knew Hermione would win.

Harry was excited about becoming a godparent but he wanted to know why Remus and Tonks had chosen him when there was a very strong possibility that he would die in the next few years. A small part of him kept wishing that he hadn’t been chosen. If he died in a few years time, when Rhiannon had grown to love him, then he would be ripped right out of her life. But still, Harry wanted to be there for her and her brother. 
Ron came running towards him.

‘Harry, please help me! Hermione has gone responsibility crazy! She’s talking about us going to the shops for nappies and stuff! She’s driving me up the wall!’

‘Yeah, that’s Hermione for you. But do you think we should buy them something. Like clothes or something?’

‘Yeah, whenever we have a birth in the family, and that’s pretty often, mum buys the baby something so maybe we’re supposed to.’

‘I’ll ask Hermione.’ Harry said and went over to her. ‘Hey Hermione. Look, do you think that we should buy them something, like, as a gift?’

‘Yes I was thinking about that. I think we should. My parents always buy newborn babies something.’

‘We can get them today in Diagon Alley. We need to go shopping for Christmas presents anyway.’

‘Yes, good idea. Oh look, the healer is coming out! I think we’re allowed in! Yes, we are!’

Ginny had rushed in and prepared to scoop up her goddaughter but stalled as soon as she went in. both babies were wearing yellow and no matter how hard Ginny looked at them, she couldn’t see any resemblance to girls or boys. They simply looked like babies. 

‘Er, Tonks? Which one is Rhiannon?’

‘I think it's the one in the right cot. Not sure though.’

‘You’re not sure?’

‘Nope. Ask Remus.’

Ginny called Remus over. ‘Remus, which one is the girl? Tonks doesn’t know.’ she sounded worried about that but Remus just laughed. 

‘She’s still in shock about having two kids! It's the one on the right.’

Ginny leant in and picked up her goddaughter and cradled her in her arms. She was so tiny and looked almost like a porcelain doll.

‘Harry, come over here.’ Ginny whispered. ‘Here, hold her.’

‘I can't.’


‘She’s too small. I think I’ll break her or something.’

‘Don’t be so silly. Here, hold out your arms. Yes, like that.’ Ginny put Rhiannon Hermione into Harry's arms. ‘Hold her head up, that’s right! Perfect. It's not that hard, now, is it?’

Harry looked at the tiny sleeping figure in his arms. From that moment on, Harry knew he would have to beat Voldemort. He had to make sure that Rhiannon had him to look after her.

About an hour later, the four friends made their way to Diagon Alley to buy all the presents. Harry wondered how he was going to buy his three friends anything with them being there. Then he had a brainwave.

‘Look, we all need to buy each other’s presents so shall we split up and meet at Gringotts in, say, an hour?’

‘Yeah Harry. Good idea.’ Hermione said. ‘It's ten o’clock now so everyone meet back here at eleven? Bye!’

They all walked off in different directions. Harry went to look for Ron's present first. He would be the easiest to buy for. He went into Quality Quidditch Supplies to look around. As soon as he stepped into the shop he knew what he was going to buy his best friend. In front of him was a stand with a pair of goalkeepers’ gloves on them. But they weren’t just any pair of gloves. They were the pair that the Irish keeper wore when they won the world cup three years ago.
Harry walked up to the counter and asked for the price. The lady replied that they were twenty galleons. It seemed like a lot of money but Harry knew that any other gift he thought of buying him would not compare to these. Harry purchased them and with a considerably lighter wallet, he left the shop. 
He thought about tackling Ginny's present next but decided to leave it until last. He went into every shop he could see looking for something for Hermione. For the last six years it had been easy to pick Hermione's present. Books, books and more books. But now that Harry had noticed a change in Hermione, he didn’t think that a book would suffice this year. He walked the whole length of Diagon Alley, searching for a shop which could get him an easy present for the two girls. Suddenly, Harry saw a shop he had never seen before. He thought it must have just opened. He went in, desperately hoping to get something. 
When he went in, he realised it was a jewellery shop. He had a flashback to last Christmas when he went shopping with Remus. Remus had told him that when it came to girls, ‘you can't go wrong with jewellery’.
Harry wandered around, looking in all the glass cases. He could see no shopkeeper so he ran the bell on the desk. A little old man came out of the room.

‘Hello, boy. What can I do for you?’

‘Er, hi. I'm looking for two gifts. One for my girlfriend and one for my…er…sister.’

‘I see. Tricky things are girls. Now, come over here and I shall show you a special collection for family members. You should see something for that sister of yours. Harry took a step forward as the old man produced another case from below the counter.

‘Now, this section is for parents, need anything?’

‘No, I don’t have parents.’

‘Oh, I'm sorry. Sister, sister. Here you are!’

Harry looked at the various pieces of jewellery, thinking why this man did not know him. He wasn’t being vain but everyone else in the country knew him.

Harry picked out a bracelet he wanted to buy for Hermione. It was silver and at the clasp, there were two hearts. One said sister and one said brother. He thought it was perfect. He bought it for seven galleons. Next he asked for something for his girlfriend. The man bought out another case of jewellery. There were various necklaces and bracelets but none seemed right. 

'Er…do you have any rings?’ Harry said, trying to think of other types of jewellery.

‘You want to propose?’ the man asked.

‘No, no, no. I just want to buy her something nice.’

‘Hmmm. I have shown you all I have. The rest is up to you.’

Harry thought for a moment and asked to see the rings anyway. The man produced another case, this time filled with little bands of gold with diamonds on them.

‘Excuse me, but do you have any of those eternity rings?’

‘Of course I do! What was I thinking, that is them, along the bottom row. You could give her one of those.’

Harry picked out a gold band with a row of red rubies on it. He paid the fifteen sickles for it and left. At that time it was a quarter to eleven and he had to get to the top of the road. He made just in time to see his friends. They were all wearing smiles just like his. Hermione suggested getting an ice cream from Fortescue’s but that idea was soon thrown out of the window when they felt the cold winter wind blowing through their clothes.
They rushed around buying everyone’s presents quickly and slowly but surely their money bags emptied. Harry had bought everyone something inside two hours and was quite pleased with his purchases. 
He had bought Molly a new book by Gilderoy Lockhart called, ‘My escape from St. Mungo’s’. Mrs Weasley still worshipped him and so Harry thought she would be pleased.
He had bought Remus a new set of robes. His old ones were still very tatty and however much he washed them, they looked dirty.
He bought Tonks a book called, ‘A dummies guide to motherhood’ as a joke present but also a nice new pair of earrings.
Harry had pre-ordered Arthur’s present from a muggle shop he found one day while wandering around Little Whinging. He had had it from the summer. It was a remote control toy airplane.

Harry had gone into Madam Malkins to buy Remus a new set of robes, when he saw a tiny set of robes in the corner. Printed on them in bold writing was ‘My first set of robes’. He bought both Rhiannon and Sirius a pair. One in pink and one in blue. They wouldn’t fit for a few months but he bought them anyway.
Harry and Ginny looked around for ages for something for Rhiannon as a special present, but they couldn’t find anything. They separated from Ron and Hermione and went to look. They went into all the shops that there was a slight possibility of a present but couldn’t find anything. As a last resort, Harry went into the jewellery store again. The old man could see from the look on Harry's face that he was not to give any sign that Harry had been in earlier.

‘I've never seen this shop before.’ Ginny said.

‘Me either.’ Harry lied. ‘I just noticed it there now!’

Ginny wandered around as Harry shot the shopkeeper a thankful look.

‘Oh Harry! Come and see this! We simply have to get it!’

Harry went to see what Ginny was ogling at.

‘It's called a “grow with me” bracelet! My cousin Belinda had one! She got it when she was born and she still has it because it grew with it! We can get it engraved and everything!’

‘Is that what you want to buy her?’


Harry turned to the shopkeeper. ‘Excuse me, sir. Could we possibly purchase one of those baby bracelets?’

‘Of course.’ And he waved his wand and one appeared in his hand. ‘Would you like it engraved with a message?’

‘Yeah, please.’ Ginny said. ‘Have it say, “To Rhiannon. On your first Christmas. Love from Harry and Ginny.”’

The old man waved his wand over the bracelet and the words appeared in beautiful writing. Harry paid twelve galleons and seven sickles for it. He wouldn’t let Ginny pay half.

They went into the leaky cauldron where they were to meet Ron and Hermione when they were ready to go. They were already there.

‘Finally! You two have been ages.’ Ron said. ‘Let’s get home because I'm starving!’

They all used the fireplace in the leaky cauldron to get back to the headquarters. Harry (who went first) burst into the living room in the middle of a meeting.
Snape and Remus were having an argument. They were at opposite ends of the table and both were standing, roaring at each other. They were both too immersed in the argument that neither noticed Harry's arrival.

‘I will not do it!’ Snape shouted to Remus.

‘Severus, don’t be a fool! You must!’

‘He is my godson! I simply can't! No matter if he is Lucius’ son or not!’

Everyone was in shock that they had carried on the argument despite Harry's arrival.

‘Draco does not want to be involved and I cannot make him!’

‘But you can try, Severus! Please!’

‘No, Lupin. I won't. Do you think that Lucius will not find out?’

‘He is in Azkaban! No one will know. Persuade him, he loves you.’

‘Pah! Love! He is simply my godson!’ Snape’s voice softened. ‘I love him, but I think the boy is incapable of love, himself.’

And with that he walked out. Remus sat down.

‘Another plan thrown out the window.’

‘Er…Remus?’ Harry said, stepping out of the fireplace to make room for whoever was coming behind.

‘Harry! How long have you been there?’

‘Quite a while.’ he said.

‘Shit.’ Harry heard a small voice behind him. ‘Shit, shit, shit.’

‘What's wrong with you?’ he asked Ginny. 

‘I got soot up my nose. What's with the freaky silence? Ohh! You lot were having a meeting!’ she grinned.

‘There was no meeting. Look, Snape isn’t here. You know we never have meetings without him!’ Tonks said. 

Ginny shrugged her shoulders and pushed Harry onwards to put away the presents. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now