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Hey guys!

As you should know, this is not my story, it belongs to erinpotter on




‘They are amazing Harry!’ Remus said, proudly. ‘They are both metamorphmagi. None are werewolves, which is great. I'm so glad. It's so funny when their mood changes because their appearance changes a little. Although not that much, though, just little things. The shade of their eyes change. The girl’s eyes are green and the boy’s eyes are blue which is really cool. I don’t know why but it is.’

‘You’ve only had them for about three hours!’ Harry laughed.

‘I know! Isn’t it amazing how much love can be produced inside such a small space of time?’

‘Yeah. I think these little things are pretty cool. As long as they don’t start biting me, I’ll love them.’

Remus laughed. ‘Right, Harry. Think of two nice names.’

‘Hmmm. You definitely have to call the guy Harry…’he teased.

‘Oh yeah, of course.’ Remus said. ‘No doubt about it.’

Harry laughed. ‘I honestly don’t know, Remus.’

‘Oh well. We’ll ask the others later. Do you want to see them?’

‘Yeah, cool.’

Remus led Harry up to the room where Tonks was sleeping and her two children were lying in cots at the bottom of the bed.

‘The healer says they are both fit and healthy. They’re just perfect, Harry. And you know what, if Voldemort wasn’t creeping around, my whole life would be perfect.’

‘A perfect life? I wish such things existed. But, Remus, how can you have a perfect life when your two best friends are dead?’

‘Harry, you have to realise that life moves on. I haven’t had your dad in my life for the past sixteen years and I only had Sirius for two years in between him being in prison and him dying. I have just got used to the fact that I won't be seeing them for a long time. But do you honestly think that the three real marauders won't ever meet up? That we won't ever get into any mischief again? I don’t think so!’

Harry smiled. Mooney was right. He would just have to wait a while to see his parents and Sirius again. It's not like they were separated forever.

‘You know, I think these two are going to be a right little pair of trouble-makers.’ Harry said. ‘At least it’ll keep you in shape. You’re not as young as you used to be!’

‘Oy, Potter! You’re only as old as you feel, and today I feel like I'm twenty one!’

Harry heard Molly calling them for their dinner. Harry led the way downstairs and when Remus walked in, he got a large round of applause from Arthur, Molly, Fred, George, Mundungus, Bill, Charlie, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry.

Remus held up his hand for silence. The racquet quietened and Remus spoke up. ‘I really don’t think that is me who deserves the round of applause…and I'm sure Tonks will get hers when she appears, but for now, I think all the praise should go to Hermione, for bringing my wonderful children into the world.’

Hermione turned scarlet as everyone clapped for her and Molly got her into a hug. Fred and George lifted her up and paraded her around for everyone to see, and then set her down at the table, ready for dinner.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now