Three Mini Tests

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It turned out that Marge had banned Petunia and Harry from the funeral, and although they were perfectly within their rights to go, they thought it best not to cause a stir. Vernon and Dudley Dursley were to be cremated and their ashes were to be spilled on the grounds of the school they both loved. Smeltings. Harry had memories of Dudley trying to hit him with his Smeltings stick, but Harry had been to fast for him. He also remembered Vernon telling anyone who would believe him that Dudley was getting letters home saying that Dudley was the smartest and most pleasant pupil Smeltings had ever seen.

Harry would not miss them…but he would not forget them.

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Harry worked his ass off in DADA over the next two weeks. His class had crash courses in all the things to do with being an auror and he had found them all really interesting and exciting. He also thought that he was extremely good at them all, especially the Athletic Ability, but he would not tell anyone in case he messed up on the day. 

On the actual day of the test, all eight of the students were shivering with fear and excitement, not to mention the cold of the mid-December weather. Harry had played quidditch in worse weather than this so it did not put him off. They were standing in a small square of grass surrounded by classroom windows. All the curtains had been closed because the students inside had been so curious to see what was going on. Harry had played quidditch in worse weather than this so it did not put him off. The first test was Stealth and Tracking. They went in alphabetical order and Lavender went first. She was lead through a magical door and came out half an hour later, looking quite happy. 

Seamus went after her and also came out half an hour later. He looked a little annoyed but was mostly happy.

Hermione went next. She came out twenty minutes later and she was positively beaming at everyone. She practically skipped over to Ron and planted a big kiss on his cheek.

Parvati had to go next. She pretended to walk confidently but everyone could tell she was just as nervous as they were. She came out looking just as Lavender had, half an hour later. 

Next was Harry's turn. He wasn’t really nervous. He was more excited, but he gave everyone a nervous smile as he walked through the door. 

Once through the door, he was in a dark room, filled with obstacles. He looked around for Erin but there was no sign of her. He heard her voice. ‘Okay, Harry. I'm invisible. You have to see how quickly you can catch me. Starting…now!’

Harry looked around and saw some of the cardboard boxes moving. He had an idea. He screwed up his face and turned invisible himself so that Erin wouldn’t know which way he was coming from. 

She saw him disappear and she laughed. ‘Smart move, Harry!’

He watched carefully for five minutes and then heard footprints near a large statue of Merlin. He tiptoes quietly over and reached his hand out. He missed the first time but when he tried again he had grabbed someone’s arm. 

‘Excellent Harry! That’s faster than anyone I've ever heard of! Now, let me see you.’

They both made themselves visible and walked out through the door. Erin went first and Harry came walking out behind her, grinning from ear to ear. It had only taken him seven minutes!

Dean went next; he came out twenty five minutes later, also looking happy. 

Ginny went after him and came out twelve minutes later. She told Harry that Erin had said that she herself had taken twelve minutes.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now