Athletic Ability

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Harry beckoned Hermione over to him. He knew he would have to work extra hard to win because there was only two of them. 

Hermione walked over and said. ‘Hey Hermione, do you think Harry should be leader?’

Hermione nodded and said, ‘Yeah Harry. You really should be.’

Harry nodded. ‘I'm not going to argue because I want to win this.’

‘Okay, Hermione. Any ideas?’

‘Well, I had one but I would need my wand so…’

‘So that’s no good. I was thinking that we could maybe get a tree trunk or a large branch or something and place it across the stream and walk over it.’

‘Hmmm.’ Hermione said. ‘Not very original. I think if we don't get anything else, only then should we use that one.’

‘Yeah, alright. I think we should run up and find the narrowest part of the river.’

They both jogged along but it all looked pretty much the same. 

‘No hope of jumping it then.’ Harry said.

‘There is no way I am jumping across that river!’ Hermione retorted.

‘Yeah, alright. But wait a minute…maybe we could…yeah! Hermione, look for a long strong branch!’


‘Just look!’

They both got to work looking for one, although Hermione didn’t have a clue why, and she didn’t like knowing. About fifteen minutes later, Harry called her over.

‘Okay, I've found an ideal one. This is the plan. You use it to pole vault over the river, and then throw it back for me. Okay?

‘I'm not too sure, Harry. I'm not very athletic…’

‘Oh my God, Hermione! Of course you are! You go to the gym all the time!’

‘But Harry…’

‘No buts, we’re doing this.’


‘You want to win this, don't you?’

‘Yeah but…’

‘Do it!’

‘Fine! Fine! I'll do it but if I get hurt, you are to blame, Harry Potter! I will personally kill you!’

‘It’ll work trust me. Now, you’re going to have to take a decent run and try to get the pole as far across the stream as you - ’

‘I know what I'm doing Harry!’ Hermione said and took off at an amazing speed. 

Harry watched in awe as she stuck the pole into the river and flew right across it and landed perfectly. She smiled smugly to herself and threw the pole back to Harry. She could see that his mouth was wide open in surprise. He shook himself and began to run. He fumbled with the pole when he was putting it in the river but he made it over. 

Hermione laughed when she saw the look on his face.

‘How the fucking hell did you do that?’ he said, astounded.

‘I took lessons when I was in primary school! My mum and dad had me taking lessons in everything! Now, don't we need to find this wand?’

‘Oh yeah. Sorry. Let’s get to it.’

They started looking but couldn’t find it. They split themselves up and each of the scanned their area.

Erin was watching them. They were the only team which had every member across. She was very impressed with them. She had deliberately put them on their own to give them a bit of a challenge. Erin knew they’d be great aurors. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now