The Talks

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It was two days till Harry had to go back to Hogwarts. He was looking forward to it but couldn’t help but think that he would miss being at Grimmauld Place. He would miss Remus and Tonks most. He had a lot of fun with them and he was just pleased that Petunia would be back at Hogwarts with him. He would have to look after her, and Ron, Hermione and Ginny. Professor Dumbledore and told Harry that Voldemort might try and harm them if he found out how close they all were. Dumbledore had also told Harry that he would find himself becoming more and more powerful and the days and weeks went on. Harry couldn’t feel it yet, but he trusted Dumbledore to be right. After all, had he ever failed Harry?

‘Harry, dear. It’s about time you got up.’ said Petunia’s voice. 

‘I'm just getting into the shower, Aunt Petunia.’ Harry was slightly disappointed that it hadn’t been Ginny coming to wake him. She had done so every morning since they had got together. Just then Ginny came into the room. ‘I see you have managed to get up yourself this morning, Mr Potter?’

‘I waited for you to wake me, but you didn’t turn up. You missed your que about ten minutes ago.’

‘Well, after nearly two weeks, I'm allowed one mistake, eh?’

‘Yeah I guess so. I just wish you hadn’t. Your morning visits are what keep me going. I might die today, you know.’ Harry joked.

‘Harry James Potter! Don't you go jinxing yourself! It’s taken me six years to get a hold of you and you are not going to get out of my grip for a very long time. Now get into that shower before I hex you!’

Harry laughed and got into the shower. He reminded himself to talk to Ron about getting up every morning before him. His brain hadn’t been arguing with him ever since he got out with Ginny. Maybe it was sulking. He didn’t care. He was very content to just be friends with Ron and Hermione and to be a boyfriend to his precious Ginny. He made another mental note to talk to Ginny about the dangers she was getting into with him. He had held that conversation off for so long but she needed to hear it before they went back to school. 

Harry got out of the shower, dressed and put on some aftershave. He had been doing that ever since Ginny spotted it in his room and said it smelled beautiful. It was amazing how she had changed his life in so many little ways. He was a lot more sensitive now and better at listening. She calmed him down when he was feeling angry and, after a nightmare, Ginny was the only one who could sooth him. 

‘She’s perfect.’ Harry whispered. 

‘Are you talking about me?’ Ginny asked, mocking Harry. She was standing in the doorway the same way Harry had been when he asked her the same question that very summer. 

‘What if I am?’

‘If you are, then I shall have to tell you something.’


‘I'm not prefect.’

‘And why’s that?’

I snore.’

‘I could live with that.’

‘Good. I guess I could live with your smelly feet.’

‘I don't have smelly feet!’ Harry said in mock repulsion.

Ginny threw a pillow at him. ‘Yeah Harry. And my name’s not Ginevra Molly Weasley…’

‘It is. And I know it!’

‘Guess why you know that.’


‘Because we’re soulmates. I've decided.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now