Castles crumbling

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"Baby, what's wrong?" Reece asked. Marjorie turned around to look at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. You weren't supposed to see me like this, I'm really sorry I couldn't hold it in for much longer. I'll pick myself up. I'm so sorry. Go back into the baby room I'll be back in a minute." She said putting her head down.
"Hey hey, what are you apologising for?" Reece said, lifting up her chin so she was looking at him.
"Reece please just go. I'll be out in a second." She wiped her tears.
"Darling I-." Before he could speak again, she barged past him and went to check on the babies, Reece following behind. She picked up little baby Logan and began to rock him back and forth. Reece walked into the room and saw that marjorie had plastered a smile on her face.
"Marj-." Reece started again.
"I'll be there in a second, just go." She looked up at him. Reece did as she said and walked back over to sorscha and autumn who both had a concerned look on their faces'.

"On second thought, I'll stay here for a little while." Reece said.
"Is she ok? I heard her apologising over and over." Autumn asked.
"She's..not okay really." He replied, his eyes glossing over.
"I know it kills to see her like this, I'll come round later on to check on her." Autumn said to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I swear to god if I do come over though you better have some wine."
"I hate you." He laughed.
"No you don't."
"Nooo I don't." Marjorie walked into the baby room with a very clearly forced smile on her face and said,
"Right sorry, I'm back." Charlotte walked in from her lunch break at the exact same time Marjorie came back into the room.
"Hey Marjorie, oh full house, hello Reece and autumn."
"Char." Reece and autumn said at the same time.
"I best be heading back to the toddler room, see you later Charlie." Sorscha said, exiting the room.
"Oh by the way Marjorie, all of the children are half days today so we can leave at half past." Char smiled. Just as she said that, a parent entered the room and Marjorie began hand over with them.

"Hello my love, so Patrick has had an amazing day. Today he drank 6 ounces of his bottle at lunch and we've changed him 3 times today. Any other questions I'll be happy to answer." She said, fighting back tears.
"Oh I don't have any more questions. Although." She started.
"I just want to say, I'm so so sorry for your loss."
"Oh let me at her." Reece said as Charlotte had to practically stop Reece from jumping Patrick's mum.
"Aye?" Marjorie replied.
"Well I heard about the miscarriage and I have to say, I'm terribly sorry for you. Don't be to dramatic about it though. No one likes a drama queen." She laughed.
"Oh." Marjorie was trying her hardest not to cry at this point.
"Anyways, here's Patrick and have a good day." Marjorie said to her.
"Good day." Patrick's mum said, walking down the corridor.

Just then is when Charlotte finally let Reece go and he ran out to the corridor.
"Well, better plan a funeral for Patrick's mum.
Where's my bat?" She questioned.
"In the office , why?" Charlotte said.
"There's a car outside with my bats name on it." She smirked going to the office to pick it up.
"Be right back." She said, making her way out of the nursery.

Reece chased Patrick's mum and then grabbed her by the collar.
"Oh, hi Reece you ok?" She asked.
"I'll be ok when you apologising to my fucking fiancé." Reece yelled.
"Woah woah woah, what did I do?"
"What you said in there is completely wrong, telling the mother of a baby who just passed away to basically suck it up?" He replied.
"Hang on, I was just joking. Besides, she's not a mother." When she said that, Reece saw red. He calmed himself down and simply said,
"If you don't go back into that room and apologise to her, there will be hell to pay."
"I'll apologise to her now." She said sheepishly, walking into the baby room.

"Hey Marjorie." Patrick's mum said.
"I'm sorry for what I said, it was completely inappropriate and I won't do it again."
"Thank you for the apology, now please get out of my sight before I get autumn on you." Marjorie threatened. Suddenly, a car alarm went off.
"Looks like you were too late, autumns gonna make you pay. Literally." Patrick's mum just ran out of the room and got the bus home instead.
"Marjorie, you can go home for the day, I've got it covered in here." Charlotte explained.
"Thanks char, I'll wait for Reece." She said sadly.
"No need to wait for Reece, he's already here and he's told Deliah that he has an emergency he needs to take care of." Reece said, walking over to Marjorie.
"Come on my love." Reece picked up Marjorie and nodded at char.
"Bye Marjorie." Charlotte said, stifling a laugh.
"Bye my love." Marjorie laughed back.

Happy happy happy 😊

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