The aftermath

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Marjorie felt bad for kicking Reece out, but she just needed time for herself. She'd just lost her future for god sake, but so did Reece.. Marjorie debated whether she should just apologise or leave him alone, in the end, she decided to just go downstairs and apologise to him. She took a deep breath before walking downstairs. Reece was looking at something on his phone, she just assumed he was texting someone. Marjorie worked up the courage to talk to him for a while, before sitting next to him and resting her head on his shoulder. Reece got off of his phone and wrapped one arm around Marjorie. They didn't say anything to one another for ages until Marjorie broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for upstairs, I was an absolute bitch towards you." Reece turned around to look at her and said.
"You don't have to apologise for that, stop apologising for things that aren't your fault. Non of this is your fault you need to remember that. He said placing his hand on her cheek.
"I know, I just can't help but feel like it is." When she said that, Reece could see a tear drop run down her face. He pulled her onto his chest and kissed her forehead.
"Don't get upset my love, no matter what you say it'll never be your fault. Just remember that I love you."
"I love you too." The woman says smiling up at the blonde man above her. That's was the first time she had smiled since the hospital trip.

After a few minutes of them to cuddling, Marjorie was passed out on top of Reece's chest. He swiftly moved her off of him and placed a pillow under her head and threw a blanket over her. Marjorie groaned when she realised Reece wasn't with her anymore.
"I'll be back in a bit darling." He said to her, brushing stray hairs off of her face.

Before Reece could even breathe, he got a text from autumn on the staff group chat asking how Marjorie is. All the staff knew what happened now anyway.

Autumn- is Marjorie ok?
Reece- yeah she's out like a light.
Mia - char told me what happened, send Marjorie my love.
Reece- will do Mia.
Mia- by the way, I only said that because char made me.
Char- Amelia Robert's!
Reece- someone's in trouble.
Mia- fuck off Reecey.
Sorscha- can you stop arguing for one second.
Marj- if you two are quite finished.
Mia- ooooooooo Reeceys getting an arse whooping.
Reece- piss off.
Marjorie- Reece knight!
Reece- sorry gorgeous.
Autumn- fucking hell just shut the fuck up you lot!
Marj- Reece you better get your arse in here now!
Reece- pray for me 🙏.
Marj- Reece!
Reece- coming now gorgeous.

Reece walked back into the living room and saw Marjorie sat up with her arms crossed.
"Care to explain why you left me to then just blow up my phone?" Marjorie asked. Reece didn't have a response to that.
"I'm joking, come back to me." Marjorie said with her arms stretched out. Reece walked over to her and sat on the sofa next to her. Marjorie then snuggled into his chest and fell back asleep. Reece tried to creep away but Marjorie stopped him before he could.

"Don't you even think about it mister." She said in a stern voice.

Mostly a happy chapter today I've toured yous enough😭

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