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688 words:
Reeces pov:

It's been a few months since mine and Marjorie's fight and I think I'm finally ready to propose to her. I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I don't know how Marjorie's going to react. What if she says no? What if she's not ready?

I took a day off and told Deliah to take care of the nursery today. I need to make sure today is perfect. Charlotte's filled in on what's going to happen, she needs to make sure Marjorie does not leave early. Under no circumstances, can she leave early. I'm going to take her to a very quiet place where I'm gonna set up a picnic, I know it's not much but marjorie doesn't really like fancy stuff. I mean, not all of us grew up with a silver spoon.

Marjorie's pov:

Charlotte seams more smiley than her usual smiley self. Every time I want to go somewhere she gets someone to cover her, it's like she's a watching my every move. Also last week I saw Reece and Charlotte talking in my office, they were whispering and char had this huge soft smile on her face. "What were they planning?" I thought to myself.

A few hours later:

A couple of hours roll by, and most of the babies have gone home. "Charlotte, you can go home early. I'll stay with maggie until her mum comes to collect her." I tell Charlotte.
"Ok, thank you Marjorie." She walks outside and calls someone. I'm going to assume it's Mia.

Charlottes pov:

I call Reece, telling him that Marjorie's let me go early and that she's staying behind for a bit, this gives him more time to prepare the proposal. Although, I think Marjorie's starting to get suspicious. She kept looking over at me and narrowing her eyes. She definitely knows something's up, I mean winter said I was being more smiley than my smiley self when I knew autumn was pregnant. My thoughts were disrupted by Mia pulling up. I got into her car, and we drove away.

Reece's pov:

I set up the picnic for me and Marjorie and set down the ring in the basket. I went on my phone and looked at my phone, "shit." It was ten past six. I rushed into my car and bolted to the nursery.

When I arrived, I saw Marjorie through the nursery window rocking a baby back and forth. She's so good with children. I walked in, my heart was pounding. I didn't know how she'd react. I walked into the baby room and her eyes landed on me.
"Hey you" I say
"Hello you, sorry I'm just waiting for maggies mum to come and collect her." She says with a soft smile.
"Well when she comes to pick maggie up, I'm going to take you somewhere; I can't tell you where just yet." I say as I see a lady walking into the nursery.
"Hello, oh my I'm so sorry I'm late." Maggies mum says.
"It's fine my darling, you have a good evening." Marjorie reply's to her as maggies mum walks off.
"Are you ready to go my love." I say taking Marjorie's hand.
"I am." She says. We get into the car and I drive us to the place. When we get there, Marjorie looks at me and says, "you remembered!" I reply,
"Of course I would."
We sit down and I pull out the box from the basket.
"What's that darling?" Marjorie says.
I get down on one knee and say,
"Marjorie, I know I'm not the best at expressing love and communicating, but I have loved you every since I first met you and I know we've had our moments, but would you make me the most happiest man on earth and become Marjorie knight.
"She look at me, frozen to the spot for a few minutes and I began to worry. I really thought she was going to say no, until she finally said
"Yes, I will Reece knight." She said before wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.

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