A clingy reece

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The next morning, Marjorie woke up to Reece lying on her chest, his arms wrapped around her waist. She ran her fingers through his hair which caused him to stir a bit. Not wanting to wake him up, she put her hand on his back instead. Her efforts were in vain as he reached for her free hand, and signalled for her to carry on. She did as he wished and carried on playing with his hair, planting soft kisses on the side of his head as she did.

She eventually had to get up, but Reece stopped her.
"Reece." She said in a calm voice.
"Mhm." He hummed in response.
"Let me get up." Reece shook his head before mumbling.
"No, your to warm."
"Reece knight." She said more stern this time.
"Yes, Marjorie knight." Her breath hitched at him calling her that. She collected herself and said,
"Your sister will kill me if I'm late again."
"Good thing I booked us both off work today, we have the day to ourselves. After yesterday, I could tell how much you needed it." He said, burring his head against her shoulder.

Marjorie could feel her eyes begin to gloss over.
She adored the fact that Reece cared for her so much and would do anything for her.
"Wait, how did I get up here? I thought I fell asleep in the car?" Marjorie questioned.
"I carried you. I normally carry you every night."
He said, his words barely above a whisper as he was still half asleep. Marjorie smiled to herself, thinking about how lucky she got with Reece, how he chose her.
"Reece, I do need to get up still."
"Whyyyy." He groaned.
"Because I have my medication to take, now let me up."
"I'm coming with you." He said in his sleepy voice, which Marjorie found absolutely adorable.

She got up, Reece following behind, basically clinging onto her. They both got into the kitchen and Marjorie took out a packet of pills and a water bottle from out of the fridge. Reece was clinging onto her waist, his head resting on her shoulder.

She put the pill to the back of her throat and took a swig of water before swallowing, Reece still attached to her.
"I have a feeling I'm not going to get much done today, am I." She laughed as Reece shook his head.

Marjorie walked over into the living room and sat down, Reece lying on her chest once more as she did.
"Are you ok Reece?" She asked confused.
"Mhmm." He mumbled. She just thought he was having one of those days and left him alone.

Eventually, Reece fell asleep on Marjorie again and she played with his hair, like the hour prior.
They stayed like that for a long while, just enjoying each others company. The silence was comforting and neither of them felt the need to start a conversation.

When Reece woke up after an hour or so, he immediately looked up at Marjorie and planted a soft kiss on her lips, which took her by surprise.
Marjorie kissed him back and started tracing patterns on his arm. She knew how it soothed him and how he relaxed to her touch. She gave him one more soft kiss on his neck and told him that she loved him.

Marjorie stopped tracing patterns along Reece's skin which caused him to groan at the loss of contact.

She took her time just admiring him. His blonde hair, his face, his everything. Everything about him was perfect to her. Everyday she asks herself.

How did I get so lucky
What do we think about a clingy Reece?

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