Auntie aut

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(People wanted sad Reece so here the fuck you go 😡.)

As the day till Marjorie was getting dismissed from the hospital grew closer, Reece began to worry. He realised just how vulnerable each of them would be, seeing how easy it was to get injured. Reece had seen throughout these past few days people who'd been in car accidents, who'd had miscarriages, people who'd broken bones, etc. This wasn't new for people to be hurt, mentally or physically, but it really worried him. His daughters would have to be brought up in a cruel and twisted world.

Marjorie had told Reece a conversation with her and Siobhan that made him sick to his stomach.

A talk between Marjorie and Siobhan -

"That's just it Marjorie, they shouldn't have to. The same way a woman shouldn't have to walk down the street at night with her keys between her fingers, or lock her door as soon as she sits in her car. That is just how life is." Siobhan informed her.
"No, I don't accept that okay? If I wanna go for a run and have headphones in and listen to music, that's what I'm gonna do okay I'm not just gonna give in."
"Marjorie, taking steps to be safer when we're out and about is not giving in. It's self preservation, it's a way for us to protect ourselves, don't be so naïve"
"It's not naive okay, it's being hopeful for a better future, whereby you know we can step outside our front door without the first feeling being fear."
"That's a very optimist way of thinking Marjorie however, it is a complete and utter fantasy."
"It's not a fantasy! If we keep pushing back and fighting for this eventually we can just leave the home without being worried all the time."
"Marjorie you don't even have to leave your own home to be subject in this."
"I know. It just doesn't seem fair."
"It's not fair but that's simply the world we live in.."

End of flashback-

They had that conversation the day Adam sent an unsolicited picture to char. If that ever happened to his girls, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

Aut and Mia had both gone home at this point. Autumn was coming back later, but Mia was spending the weekend away with Char.

"I'll be back soon baby." Reece said, planting a kiss on the side of her head.

He walked outside to the empty corridors, looking around to see if anyone was there.

He was alone.

When he realised this, he started to let silent tears fall. He was so scared about what the future holds. Even though he had everything he wanted, it came with a price. The price of fear.

Aut- I'll be there soon big brother.

Autumn texted Reece before slipping on her black heels.
"I'll be back in a bit my sweet." Autumn said, giving winter a kiss.
"See you later my darling." Winter smiled as she walked out the house.

Autumn made her way to the hospital. She'd picked up some gifts for the twins, is she was going to be auntie aut, she needed to win them over.

When she parked up, she took her phone out to text Reece again, noticing he hadn't responded to her text, let alone open it.

Aut- Are you okay? I'm here now.

Autumn strolled into the building, walking up to the front desk.
"Name?" The receptionist asked.
"Knight." Autumn replied bluntly.
"Marjorie?" The receptionist asked once more, to which autumn nodded in response.
"Head on through."

Autumn walked through the long, winding halls of the hospital.

When she was finally around the corner from marjs room, she heard faint sobs. Not baby sobs.
She peered around the corner to see Reece sat on the chair outside of the room, his head in his hands.

"Big brother." Autumn said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at autumn, his eyes red and puffy.
"Reece, what's wrong?" She asked. He was about to talk when the tears began again.
"It's alright. I've got you." Autumn told him, holding Reece close.

Reece's head rested on his little sister's shoulder, occasionally sniffing in between cries. 

When his tears subsided, he began to talk.

"Im sorry, I'm just really scared about how vulnerable each of them are now. Especially Niamh and Nova. The world's a twisted place aut, I don't want my children to have to live like that." I'm also scared about ending up like Roger. I've spent all these years trying my best not to be him, but what if I do become him one day aut?" Reece explained.

"I know, these are the things we can't change. As much as we'd all love to, we can't. You'll make an amazing father, you're nothing like our dad Reece. Look at how well you've protected me all of these years. Those girls in there are so lucky to have you. Don't forget it." Autumn sis, trying to sound comforting.

"Thank you aut." Says reece.
"Now, come on you retard, let's see your girls." Autumn laughed. Reece watched as she hurriedly walked into the room, immediately running to Marjorie.

"There she is." Reece said to himself, chuckling slightly.Reece watched his two favourite people, apart from his daughter's, bonding. It made him smile.

His future with his amazing wife, his sister, and his two daughters.

The knight family🖤

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