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"I won't." Reece said, getting up.

Reece got dressed and then went to do his hair, getting frustrated at the fact it didn't look right.

"Reece, why are you beating yourself up. It's hair." Marjorie said, walking over to him.
"Because it doesn't look right." Reece huffed.
"As I said before, you're such a baby." Marjorie laughed, helping him.

"There, you happy now."
"Yes, I am."
"Right, go to work before you're late."
"It's only 7 am, I'll be fine." Reece said, kissing her before walking down stairs.
"Absolutely not, you're not going anywhere without eating something." Marjorie said, throwing him an apple.
"I'll be fine, I love you."
"I love you to." Marjorie smiled as Reece walked out the door.

About twenty minutes later, Reece arrived at his nursery. Autumn told him yesterday that Carly knew about the pregnancy, so he was bound to get yelled at today.

As to his surprise, Carly yelled at him as soon as he walked in the door.
"Carly! Someone might hear you, lower your voice!"
"Fine, I'm just so angry at you." Carly said, kicking him in the shins.
"Have you and autumn been talking or something." Reece asked, rubbing his leg. Carly rolled her eyes and went to walk out.
"Wait, Carly. Can I ask you something."
"Sure, what is it."
"What do you know about James' dad?" Reece questioned.
"James' dad? We don't have a James?" Carly told him.

"Okay, doesn't matter. I'll see you at lunch."
"Okay, see you later Reece." Carly said, walking out.

After Carly left, Reece texted Marjorie.

Reece- okay, why would you do that to me x.
Marjorie- do what? Xx
Reece- tell me the wrong name when explaining what happened yesterday x.
Marjorie- beaches I know you would've gone full pirhana mode x.
Reece- you little shit x.
Marjorie- right now that's just horrible
Reece- sorry gorgeous x.
Marjorie- you'll be making up for that, not in that way because I know what you're like x
Reece- I'll see you later gorgeous. X

A few hours went by and Reece and Carly had just finished up their lunch.
"I'll see you later Reece!" Carly exclaimed.
"Bye carls, I'll see you later." Reece watched Carly walk out, making sure she was ok, when a parent walked in.

"Jesus Christ, how do you get anything done with that pretty young thing walking about." Reece shot him a disgusted look.
"Excuse me?"
"Look at her, bet you would love to have a crack at that."
"No, I'm not a pedophile. I wouldn't like to 'have a crack at her',she's 17."

"Only until her birthday." The parent laughed.
"Do you think it's acceptable to come into a place full of children and show a romantic interest in them?" Reece asked.
"What? I'm not showing a romantic interest in the children. I'm interested in the 17 year old."
"I-." Reece started, when he was cut off.

"Wow, you have no idea who reecey here is do you?" Deliah asked. If anyone was going to drive him away, it'd be her.
"Should I?" The parent asked.

"Of course you should, you should see what he's done in the past to protect his sister. He's pushed a man down a flight of stairs because he showed an interest in her." Deliah said, pulling off the creepy smile she normally did.

"Oh.. I see, right I better be.. going then." The parent said, walking out the door.

"Thanks Deliah." Reece said.
"No probably, it's what friends are for." Deedee smiled.


Okay, I had to get deedee involved in this story somehow 😂

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