Am I a disappointment?

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Marjorie sat there all night, occasionally hearing a few sobs from Reece. It broke her heart to see him like this. She knew he'd keep apologising and apologising for yesterday, even though it wasn't his fault. She felt him shift slightly underneath her, trying not to make it obvious he was awake.

"Reece." She said softly, not wanting to scare him.
"Do you want to talk about yesterday?" Marjorie asked. Reece thought about it for a minute. He didn't want to break down again.
"If not that's fine, I just want you to know I'm here." She told him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I just, I don't know. Her words really hurt me. I've been telling myself for years it's not my fault, but it is. I feel like such a disappointment. All I want is to be loved by my parents again. My mum hates me, my dad hates me, autumn still hates me abit, along with Mia. You probably hate me because of yesterday, the way I screamed at my mum, if I can even call her that. I'm so sorry for the way acted, it probably scared you seeing me like that. I'd never shout at you that way, I hope you know that." He finished and a few tears were rolling down his cheek.

"Darling, I could never have you. Mia and autumn don't hate you either. I know autumn cares about you, and Mia, they just show it in a different kind of way than I do. I'll never stop loving you. I will admit, it did scare me seeing you shout like that. But you did it for a good reason. You'd never do that if it's not for a good reason. I think you just need today to be on your own." Marjorie replied to him, wiping away his tears.

"Can you stay with me? I don't what to be alone." Reece told her.
"Of course I will, I love you." She took his hand and placed it on her stomach.
"We love you, we'll make sure you always get the comfort you need." Marjorie smiled.
"I love you too beautiful." Reece said, giving her a kiss, before planting two on her stomach.

The rest of the day, Marjorie spent holding Reece. She always found herself sat on his lap, or being spooned by him. She wouldn't have it any other way.

"When can we tell the others about the twins?" Reece asked.
"Soon my love, have patience." She mumbled into his shoulder.
"I have patience." Reece pouted, which Marjorie found adorable.
"You really are just a big baby aren't you?" Marjorie laughed.

Even though she knew, she wouldn't have it any other way.


Idk what to put here 😋

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