The twins

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A look of concern washes over Marjorie's face. Fuck, she didn't know what she was doing. Reece probably did, but she didn't.

"Are you okay marj?" Carly asked. Marjorie didn't respond to her, she just stood there in shock.
"Gorgeous?" Reece added. Before she could reply, she felt another sharp pain, causing her to groan slightly.

Reece noticed this and walked over to her, seeing what's actually happening.

"Reece, what do we do now." Marjorie said.
"Carly, go get her in the car, here are my car keys, I'll be there in a minute." Reece said in a hurry, giving Carly the keys.
"Come on Marjorie." Carly said, now panicking herself. She was 17 she didn't know what to do.

Reece was looking for the hospital bag. He put it in the bedroom the night before Marjorie went on mat leave. He couldn't be scared now, this was going to happen one way or another.

The drive there, he was white knuckling it the whole way. Marjorie was in the back with Carly, who'd just called autumn and char to be there. Marjorie was also panicking slightly, who knows what would happen.

"What? Okay I'll be right there. Thank you for telling me." Autumn said, hanging up the phone.
"Who was that my sweet?" Winter asked.
"Carly, Marjorie's gone into labour. I've got to be there for her." Autumn told him.
"Good god, get in the car. I'll drive you." Winter said.

"Excuse me?" Char shouted.
"What,what happened?" Mia questioned.
"I'll be there Carly." Charlotte turned to face Mia, a look of worry on her face.
"So, what happened?"
"Marjorie's in labour and they're on their way to the hospital now. I need to be there." Charlotte said.
"Yeah of course, I'll take you." Mia told her.

When Marjorie, Carly and Reece made it to the hospital, autumn was already there. No one was surprised, they can all just imagine how many red lights she ran through just to get there.

A few hours went by and Mia, autumn, Carly and char were waiting for any news. They'd been told they didn't have to wait much longer, but it felt like they were there for days on end.

Eventually, Reece came out with a big dopey grin on his face.
"So? Can we see them now?" Autumn pipped up.
"Yes you can." Reece told her. Autumn shoved Reece out of the way before running to Marjorie's room. Reece had never seen her run so fast before, he could barely keep up. Mia, char and Carly stayed behind, no one wanted to interfere with autumn at this point.

Autumn walked in and saw the babies. She walked over to them, seeing how much they looked like their parents.
"Wait, hang on." Autumn started.
"You were having twins all along and you didn't tell me! You retard!" Autumn yelled at Reece before kicking him in the shins.

"God I hope these babies don't turn out like you, aut." Reece said.
Marjorie was smiling at the siblings from afar. Marjorie and Reece had already held the babies, now it was autumns turn. Reece was holding nova in his arm, which autumn didn't like.

"Gimme the baby before I kick you where the sun doesn't shine." Autumn said, which put Marjorie into a fit of laughter.

Reece reluctantly handed nova over to aut, going back to pick up Niamh.
"How unfortunate, she's got your big ass nose." Autumn smirked, looking at Reece.
"That's my baby you're insulting!" Marjorie shouted.

Soon enough, Carly, Mia and char came into the room. Autumn refused to let nova go.
"Aut, put her down." Reece said.
"No." Autumn replied. Mia came out of nowhere and snatched nova out of autumns arms, careful not to hurt her.
"Hey!" Autumn shouted.
"Let someone else have a turn aut." Reece said.
"Fine." Autumn rolled her eyes.

Carly and char were over by Reece, begging to hold Niamh. Carly got to hold her first, which char wasn't to happy about.

While they were fussing over the babies, Reece walked over to Marjorie.
"I'm so proud of you gorgeous." Reece smiled, planting a kiss on the side of her head.


I was being begged for the twins to arrive ( cough cough Kayleigh_May_Roberts ) so here you go 🖤

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