Sweet baby..

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Today is Marjorie's 12 week scan and Reece is practically jumping up and down. They both told the staff the news at 10 weeks, as they knew Carly was going to do it soon enough. When they went for a mandatory scan at 10 weeks, because of the miscarriage, the doctor told them they'd be told the gender at 12 weeks, which was rare for most people.

Reece had been in such a good mood all morning, not even Roger could bring him down at this point.
"Reece, you're so cute." Marjorie said, walking over to him.
"I'm really excited, I've been waiting for this day." Reece smiled.
"Should we go find out the gender of this little one then?" Marjorie asked. When she said that, Reece practically flew out the door and into the car.

Marjorie laughed at his reaction and got into the car as well. Marjorie couldn't even put on her seatbelt before Reece speeded off.
"Slow down, you'll still get to see your baby."
"Sorry gorgeous. I just really want you to find out the gender already."
"You will, don't worry darling."

It wasn't long until Reece pulled into the carpark of the doctors. He bolted out of the car and walked over to Marjorie's side, getting her out almost immediately.
"Reece, calm down." Marjorie smiled up at him.
"I can't calm down at a time like this, I'm about to find out if the love of my life is having a boy or a girl!"
"Well if they're a girl, you're fucked." Marjorie laughed as they walked into the doctors.

They were sat in the waiting room for only half an hour, when a doctor came out.

"Marjorie knight?" The doctor called.
Marjorie stood up and saw Reece was still sat down.
"I'll wait here gorgeous, I don't want to cry infront of a stranger." He smiled at her, giving her a kiss.

Reece felt like he'd been waiting there for years,
Until Marjorie finally came out. It looked like she'd been crying.
"Are you ok?" He asked , running up to her.
"I'm fine Reece, I'm not upset, these are tears of joy." Marjorie reassured him.

When they got home, Reece bombarded Marjorie will a million questions.
"So? What's the gender? Are they healthy? Do you know what the gender is? Were you able to tell?
"Come on my love, sit down I'll tell you."
Reece sat down on the couch next to her, and she could see a wave of frustration pass over his face.
"So?" He asked again.

"Reece, you're getting a little girl."
"I am!" Reece exclaimed.
"Yes, you are." Marjorie smiled as she watched him.
"Are you serious!"
"I'm serious."
"Really." Reece was jumped of the couch and span Marjorie around in his arms.

"Yes, we're having a girl!"
"I knew you'd be excited."
Just as Reece was going to say something, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Marjorie said.

She went downstairs and saw Charlotte and Mia.
"Hello my loves, what are you doing here?" Marjorie asked.

"I want to know the gender! And also I had to bring Mia." She said, pointing to the mean redhead.
"I'll tell you inside, Reece is right now hyperactive because I just told him the gender." Marjorie stifled a laugh.
"I can't believe he's got you pregnant twice in 6 months."
"Amelia!" Char scolded.
"Sorry Marjorie, I'll make sure she behaves." Char said, turning around to face Mia.

"Come on in my loves." Marjorie said, stepping aside.
They walked into the living room to find Reece with a cheesy grin on his face, Mia couldn't help but smile, she loved seeing her best friend be so happy.

"Hey Reecey." Mia said, walking over to him.
"Hey Mia." Reece replied.
"I can't believe you got her pregnant twice in 7 months, you two need to calm down." 
"Normally that would annoy me, but I'm not sure it did today." Reece said

Charlotte and Marjorie sat on the couch, watching the two of them chat.
"Right, let's go give them some space Reecey. Maybe play some jenga, I'll teach you how to pull out." Mia winked before walking off as Marjorie and Charlotte erupted into laughter.


I was really considering writing that last bit but as it's Mia I thought I just had to- 😭

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