Mother knight

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Marjorie was to stunned to speak. This was Reece and autumns mother, how could Reece even look at her?

"Can we talk?" His mum said.
"Nope, by mum." Reece said, trying to shut the door.
"Wait, I just want to talk."
"Fine." Reece stepped to the side to let her in.

All 3 of them walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch.
"Oh by the way, who's this?" She said, gesturing towards Marjorie.
"That's my fiancé, Marjorie." Reece told her, shooting Marjorie a wink

"You're a bit chunky aren't you?" She laughed.

"Watch it. One, she's not chunky, she's perfect. Two, she's actually pregnant so drop it before I drag you out the house by the scruff of your neck."

"Anyways, I'd like to just say sorry for all these years. I want to get to know you better now you're an adult." She smiled.

"You? Get to know me? That's funny." Reece replied.
"I'm serious Reece, I want to get to know you." His mum responded, looking apologetic.

"Aut was 6 and I was 8, you left his with a monster. You knew he was a monster. Do you know what you leaving has done to me and aut? I couldn't even say the words, 'I love you' anymore. As for aut, she needed a mother, heck even a sister. I could never deal with boy or periods or anything like that. Roger didn't care about us, I was there when you weren't. You promised us you'd come back. You promised. But you never did, and I'll never forgive you for that. If you think you can just apologise and anything will go back to normal, you're wrong. You were the only person I could trust, and you still lied. You lied about everything. You knew what it was like for us growing up. We never had anyone to hold our hand and say it was okay. Especially me. Who was there for autumn when she was sick? Who was there when she got her first period? Who was there when she needed someone? No, not Elizabeth, a little boy who didn't know how to take care of himself. We didn't even have a childhood. When you ran away, that's when our childhood ended. As I said before, I'll never forgive you for that." When Reece was done, his eyes were glistening with tears.

Marjorie was frozen to the spot. She'd never seen Reece so angry, it scared her.

"Reece, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt that way." Elizabeth started.
"Yes you did, don't try lie about it." Reece scoffed.
"I did want to be there, I promise you!" She scolded him.
"You were never fucking there, you left!" Reece shouted.

It really scared Marjorie seeing him like this, but his mum deserved it.

"I had no choice!" She shouted back.
"you did have a choice!" Reece said.
"This is why I left, because of you Reece! Not autumn, not Mia, not your dad. You!"
Her words stung reece, everyone told him for years it wasn't his fault, but it was.

"Get out my house." Reece whispered.
"What?" She asked.
"I said get out of my house!" Reece shouted at her.

She left the house and Reece burst into tears. Marjorie immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and hid his face in her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He managed to get out.
"It's not your fault baby, it's not your fault." Marjorie comforted him.

He heard his breathing slow down, before noticing her was asleep. She gave him a kiss and felt her eyes start to get heavy. Falling asleep with him. 


I apologise for this chapter

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