The morning after

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When marjorie woke up, Reece was still sound asleep next to her, his arms wrapped around her. Marjorie always felt safe when she was with Reece, she felt like nothing and no one could hurt her.

No matter how much she was smiling or laughing the night prior, she still felt terrible about her baby. That was her everything her whole entire future. Gone. Even though she knew Reece would always comfort her, Marjorie didn't know if he good this time. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table, 6:15.
"Shit." She mumbled to herself.

When she tried to get up, she was pulled back down onto the bed.
"Morning gorgeous." Reece said.
"Good morning darling." Marjorie replied. She tried to get up again but Reece held her down.
"And where do you think you're going?" He asked.
"I need to get ready for work." Marjorie said turning round to face him.
"Nope." He argued.
"Yes, let me go." She argued back.
"No." He said gripping her waist tighter.
"Yes." She said reaching over the bedside table to grab her phone.
"No." Reece replied
"Fine, you win." Marjorie said excepting her faith. Marjorie was scrolling away when a message from autumn popped up on the staff group chat.
Autumn- who's on the early shift today?
Marjorie- I was meant to be but Reece is being clingy.
Mia- can't get enough of you can he marj 😉
Char- Amelia Robert's!
Reece- it's half past six shut the fuck up
Autumn- this was not helpful!
Carly- what the bloody hell is happening
Reece- Oi language
Carly-I'm seventeen!
Autumn- can someone just answer my question
Char- me sorscha and marjorie are I think
Sorscha- ah piss off
Autumn- oh my days just get to work you lot!
Reece- nope
Autumn- do you want bruised shins?
Reece- fine
Autumn- thank you
Char- whys marjorie coming in?
Autumn- she insisted
Marjorie- I'm not going to make the early shift can someone cover for me
Autumn- fine
Marjorie- thank you
"Reece get up." Marjorie said.
"Whyyyy." Reece groaned.
"Because we have work, now get up before I call autumn."
"I'm getting up." Reece said scrambling to his feet.
"The threat of autumn always work." She said with a smirk.

"Right we're here, are you sure you want to go into work today?" Reece asked with concern.
"I'll be fine, I love you." Marjorie said before getting out of the car.
"Love you too, bye gorgeous."

Marjorie walked into the building and started walking down the hallway, she was greeted with little shoes, little socks. She could hear the toddlers running around and the nursery staff singing the babies to sleep. She just thought about what she lost, what she wanted. She felt tears sting the back of her eyes but didn't give in. As her mum always said 'crying resembles weakness.' Crying resembles weakness. Crying resembles weakness, she kept repeating in her head. Marjorie walked into her office and say autumn sat there.
"Morning autumn you alright?" She asked placing her bag down on the table
"Fine." Autumn replied typing away.
"Right, I'm heading over to the sister nursery. Reece said he wants to talk to me about something." Autumn said standing up and walking to the office door.
"Okay, bye my love!" When autumn left the room, Marjorie allowed herself to let one solitary tear fall. Suddenly, the phone went off and she wiped away her tears.
"Hello the nursery." She said trying to sound enthusiastic. The person responded,
"Hi Marjorie, is autumn there." It was Charlotte.
"No just me, why?" Marj replied playing with the phone wire.
"Is there any spare staff because Carly's just thrown up everywhere." She asked in concern for Carly.
"I'm the only spare staff member, right, what room are you in?" Marjorie asked.
"Um— I am, well." She stuttered.
"What room Charlotte?" Marjorie asked once more.
"The baby room.."

I love clif hangers 🤗🤭

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