Know its for the better

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"Yeah, always remember that gorgeous." Reece said from across the room, sitting up. Marjorie ran over to him.
"Are you ok?" Marjorie asked.
" as okay as someone can be."
"I better be heading off then." Marjorie said.
"Wait, you're not staying?" Reece questioned.
"There's no use for me any more, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Reece took a quick glance at Marjorie and realised, she was wearing the ring.

"But you're still wearing the ring?" Reece could hear the pain in his own voice.
"So are you." Marjorie said. Reece took off his own ring before handing it to Marjorie, Marjorie did the same.
"Thank you, for making sure I was okay." Reece smiled.
"Don't think this makes us better again." Marjorie walked out of the room

Mia had just watched the entire interaction between them. She could see how much that just hurt Reece.

She walked over to him, making sure he was okay.
"I'm so sorry Reece." Mia said.
"Thanks Mia. I'm just really tired."
"Would you like me to go?" Mia asked.
"If you wouldn't mind."
"No, not at all." Mia collected her stuff and exited the room, making her way to her car. She saw Marjorie walking rapidly in the other direction, but she didn't care. She'd just torn her best friend apart. And she didn't even know it.

Mia got home, it was about 6am at this point and char was worried sick.
"Mia! Where have you been." Char asked, wrapping her arms around the mean redhead.
"Char, there's something I need to tell you." Mia explained the whole story and Charlotte looked terrified.

"All of that happened in one night?" Char said, concerned.
"Mhm." Mia hummed.
"I haven't told autumn yet, she'll be heartbroken to know Reece did this to himself again."
"Again?" Charlotte replied.

"When we were younger, Roger used to beat up aut and Reece. One day, Reece had enough and walked in on roger repeatedly yelling and slapping aut. He saw Roger get a knife off the counter and went in between them. Reece then proceeded to stab himself with the knife so he wouldn't hurt autumn. Me and autumn were shaking as he was taken away in an ambulance. Thats the first time he did it."

If Charlotte didn't look horrified before, she hell of a lot did now.

"There's nothing we can do to erase this, if we could we all would."

Marjorie had just made her way home, there was very little things in her home. Such as food, clothes, shoes, etc. She felt so terrible about before. The way she just left Reece, there was nothing she could do to fix this now.

There was not turning back..

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