The test

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After that incident with Reece, Marjorie knew something was up. She just kept researching, and researching her symptoms. It kept coming back with one result.


No she couldn't be pregnant, it's too early for that. Maybe she should take a test, she had one just incase anything like this did happen. If she was pregnant she wouldn't tell anyone, not even Reece. She couldn't break anyone's heart again if she did have another miscarriage. She shouldn't be thinking about that, she doesn't even know if she's pregnant yet.

The following day, when Reece left for work, Marjorie worked up the courage to take the test.

She did what she needed to and set a 2 minute timer on her phone. A million questions running through her head.

"What if I turn out exactly like my mother?" "What if Reece isn't ready for kids?" "What if I have another miscarriage, will Reece leave me?"

After what felt like hours, the timer went off. Something was stopping her from flipping the test around, like a force telling her something was going to go wrong. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her head and looked at the test.

One line, and one faded line.

No, no, no, no, no. How could she let this happen? God she's so stupid! How thick could she be?

She went downstairs, test in hand. Marjorie pulled out a little small box from the drawer, and placed the test inside.

"Marjorie you absolute pillock!" Marjorie said to herself.

The hours went by, faster than she thought. The front door creeped open, as autumn and Reece stepped inside. Autumn was deep down really worrying about Marjorie, not even the plague would make her stop missing work. Everytime she did, she felt like she was letting everyone down.

"Stay here Reece." Autumn told him.
"It's my house!" He whisper-yelled:

"Sit down, retard!" Autumn said I her monotone voice.

Autumn made her why upstairs, she could hear Marjorie talking to herself.
"How could you let this happen Marjorie, are you thick? Why couldn't you have just been careful you daft cow!"

Aut walked into the bedroom, where Marjorie was pacing.
"What wrong Marjorie?" Autumn said, trying not to scare her.

"Autumn, I need help."


Ik this is short but I have the attention span of a goldfish

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