Give back the ring, marjorie

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Thank you @TSMarjoreece for giving me this idea ♥️

So this was going to be a nice chapter but...

Words: 860 ❤️

Marjorie's pov:

As I sat there scrolling endlessly, a text from Carly pops up. The text read,
"Hii marjorieee! Can't wait till you're back in work again, tell Reece I said thank you for still dropping off my meal deals while he's been off. I hope you recover quickly!! Anyways, love you byeeee x. Carly never fails to make me laugh.
As I'm sat there chuckling to myself, I hear Reece say,
"What are you laughing at gorgeous?" I turn to him and say,
"It's just Carly." I show him the message and he begins laughing to himself. Carly is like a daughter to us. Well, we are old enough to be her parents, Reece won't let her live that down.
"Tell her I said it's not a problem and I'm happy to do it."
"You're so good to Carly Reece."
"Well, I can't be that good to her, just a few months ago you were yelling at me in a restaurant saying how awful of a person I am."
"Reece, you know I feel terrible about that."
"I know gorgeous, I'm sorry." He places a kiss on my forehead and asks me,
"What would you like to eat, my love?"
"I don't want anything to eat, thank you for trying though darling." I say, smiling warmly to him.
"Marjorie, I know you're still in pain but you need to eat." He says in a soft but harsh tone.
"I'm not hungry." I reply.
"Marjorie." Reece raises his voice slightly.
"Please eat." He says persistent.
"But I'm not hungry."
"Marjorie, you haven't eaten anything in two days, how are you not hungry." He questions me.
"I'm just not." I was lying through the skin of my teeth.
"What happened." I turn away from him, not wanting to make eye contact. When I didn't reply to him, he asked me again,
"Marjorie,what happened?"

Reece's pov:

Marjorie turns away from me, avoiding eye contact, I ask her again
"Marjorie, what happened."
"Nothing." She mutters
"Come on, tell me what it is."
"Reece, I've already told you it's nothing."
"Can you please just tell me what's going on, it's not like you to not eat."
"I've already told you, I'm just not hungry. How is that so hard to understand, I never talk about how you don't eat anything except meal deals."

Marjorie's Pov:

"I've already told you, I'm not hungry. How is that so hard to understand, I never talk about how you don't eat anything except meal deals."
After I said that, I wanted to wash my mouth out with soap. I can't believe I just said that to him.
I could see the hurt look on his face,
"Reece, I-." I trying saying before he cuts me off.
"Save it Marjorie, I never thought you'd go so low." He walked out of the room while I sat there with my head in my hands, trying to process what I had just said.
'It's not your fault Marjorie, you have to do this. If you don't, he'll hurt you again. If you wanna eat, don't say a word.' Those words rang in my head, and I knew they were right. If I wanted to eat and drink, I had to obey his orders. Obey rogers orders. That's all I need to do. I switched my ring to my middle finger and sat there. Was Reece really worth all of this? Was it really worth almost dying for Reece.

I walk downstairs, ready to apologise to him. I see him sat there, staring at the ceiling in the dark. I turn on the light and say,
"Reece I'm sorry." He looks back at me and says
"Marjorie, give me the ring. You've already switched it to your middle finger anyway, if you didn't want to marry me you could've just said so."
"Reece I do want to marry you, please don't do this to me."
"Ring, now." He says holding out his hand. I reluctantly give him the ring and run upstairs.
I call Roger and say,
"I hope you're happy, he made me give back the ring."
"Well done Marjorie, I'm proud of you. Maybe I'll let you eat again. I need to think about it." I hung up the phone and the tears started overflowing, I couldn't got to charlottes again. My only option was autumn. I get changed and walk outside to my car. I phone autumn
"Hello?" She says.

Autumns pov:

I was reading a book when I got a call from Marjorie.
"Hello?" I say to her.
"Autumn, your brother took back the ring."
I can hear her almost crying over the phone,
"What happened."
"Autumn, your father happened. He threatened me, I don't want to get hurt again by him, it's either I get hurt or I loose Reece. So I get hurt either way."
"But I watched my father get taken away in a police van? He got out?"
"He got bailed out."
"By whom?" I say with a concerned tone.
"Kenny killerman."

Sometimes, love isn't meant to be..

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