Suck it up

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Marjorie froze in her spot before Charlotte said,
"It's fine, I'll wait for autumn."
"No, I'll be there soon." Marjorie explained, putting down the phone. As she walked up to the baby room door, she took a deep breath. She debated whether or not she should just call autumn. Marjorie decided that she just needed to, 'suck it up', and go inside. She entered the room and char turned around to look at her.
"Hey Marjorie, are you ok?" Char asked in concern.
"I'm fine Charlotte." Marjorie said before walking over to her group.

"Big brother." Autumn said walking into Reece's office.
"Wondered what that bad smell was." Reece replied, looking down at cvs. Autumn kicked Reece in the shins and he said,
"Guess I deserved that,what brings you by?"
"It's about Siobhan." Autumn sighed.
"Why are you talking to me about Siobhan?" He said looking up at his sister.
"Well, I've just had a meeting with our dad and they're getting married. So, I thought I'd give you a heads up on what's about to happen."
"That's why he wanted a meeting with me tomorrow. For fucks sake." Reece shook his head.
"She handed me this note before leaving, she told me not to read it until tomorrow though, until you've had your meeting with father."
"Right well thanks for telling me. Is Marjorie ok?" He questioned.
"Honestly, she's trying to make me believe she is. Although, I've worked with her for over 4 years now. Reece, it's 2026. I can read her like a book." Autumn said in her casual uninterested tone.

"I cannot believe I'm almost forty." When he said
that, autumn stifled a laugh.
"Don't be laughing at me, you're almost thirty eight." He teased
"Piss off reece." Autumn replied, playfully smacking him in the arm.
"I will be offing no piss thank you very much." Reece said barging past her.
"Where the fuck are you going?" Autumn asked.
"I'm going to check on Marjorie. You coming or not?" Reece answered. Autumn just simply nodded her head and followed Reece out to his car.

"Alright Marjorie, I'm going on my lunch now but sorscha is here to cover me."
"Ok, bye my love." Marjorie said waving to her.
"Hiya Marjorie, where's your group?" Sorscha asked.
"Asleep." Marjorie replied, turning around to face her.
"Are you ok? You know, after these past 2 weeks."
Marjorie didn't know how to answer her, she just simply nodded and smiled. Her and sorscha have never been the closest, but she found it sweet that she cared about her.
"Are you ok my love, with baby Quinn." Marjorie changed the subject, smiling
"Marjorie, you don't have to fake being happy.
We all know you're grieving. You don't have to make a convocation. Especially about any babies." Sorscha smiled.
Before Marjorie could answer her, autumn barged into the room.
"Quit panicking, she's in here." She said to someone.
Reece emerged from the corridor and walked over to Marjorie.
"Darling, why are you In here?" He asked, enveloping her.
"They needed cover and autumn was over at your nursery. But I'm fine." When she said that, one of the babies in Marjorie's group started crying.
"I have to go my love, I'll be back in a minute." Marjorie said, pulling away from the hug and walking into the sleep room.

"How long has she been in here for?" Reece asked sorscha.
"Well giving that it's 12:50 now about three hours." She responded.
"Three hours?!" He said, slightly raising his voice.
"Has she been ok?" He questioned.
"Yeah, she's been grand. I don't know about early today though." Reece looked at the time and sighed.
"Well fuck I've got to-." Before Reece could finish his sentence, autumn cut him off.
"Language!" She said to him.
"As I was saying, I've got to go back to my nursery so I'll go say goodbye to Marjorie." Reece walked into the nap room and looked around for her. As he was about to walk out, he heard faint sobs coming from the bathroom. He followed the noise and saw Marjorie taking in deep breaths and trying not to make any noise while crying. Reece ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

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