James' dad

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"Good one autumn." Marjorie scoffed.
Don't bring me into this, I didn't do shit."

"So?" Carly squealed.
"Carly, get back to work!" Marjorie demanded.
"Fine." Carly walked out the room.

"You okay Marjorie?" Autumn asked.
"Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine autumn. Couldn't be better." Marjorie said, obviously irritated.
Autumn could tell she just needed to be left alone and texted Reece, telling him what's going on.

Autumn- you're in for a real treat when you pick up Marjorie today, she's in one of those moods.
Reece- has she started with you?
Autumn- no, but she almost did. With Carly aswell.
Reece- what do you mean.
Autumn- Carly found out the news and Marjorie's livid.
Reece- do you want me to come over and talk to her.
Autumn- if you want to get your hand chopped off, I'll see you later meat head.
Reece- you have not called me that nickname since childhood.
Autumn- well it suits you perfectly.

Autumn put down her phone and waited for the day to pass by, she did not want to be in the office when Marjorie was tearing Reece a new one.

The clock finally hit 6:30, autumn collected her things, and scurried out.
"Bye Marjorie." She said.
"Bye autumn." Marjorie replied, sounding uninterested.
Marjorie had spent the whole day working on emails and fighting with unhinged parents. She couldn't wait to get home. There was one parent on the back of her mind though.

"Hey gorgeous." Reece said. Marjorie was too lost in thought to hear him.
"Gorgeous?" He said again, his voice laced in concern. Reece walked over to where Marjorie was sitting, kneeling down beside her.
"Mhm." She hummed, looking at him.
"Are you ok?" He asked. Marjorie nodded in response.

Instead of persisting, Reece's arm slithered around Marjorie waist, his head resting on her shoulder.
"I'm here when you want to talk, darling. Autumn already filled me in on the kind of day you had, tell me when to let go and I will." Reece said.

It felt like they'd been like that for years, until Marjorie finally pulled away.
"What's happened today?" Reece nervously said.
"I'll tell you at home." Marjorie told him, her voice barely above a whisper.

Reece stood up and reached out his hand for Marjorie to take. She did, intertwining their fingers together as she did. They both walked out to the carpark, and sat in Reece's car. He gave her thigh a reassuring squeeze, basically telling her everything will be okay.

They arrived home and Marjorie practically bolted into their house, going over to sit on the sofa.

Reece followed her in and sat down on the couch next to her.
"Now, do you wanna talk about what happened?" Reece asked. Marjorie tensed up at the thought of that question. Reece noticed this and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll wait until you're ready to talk."
"No, I'll tell you." Marjorie started.

"At lunch today, I was sat at the office per usual, when a parent comes in. I assume they're there to make a complaint. It was normal at first, until it wasn't. He started being flirty with me and I was really uncomfortable. Then, he started getting closer to me. I kept backing up until I hit a wall. I was being cornered. I tried to move but he grabbed my wrist and pinned be back into the wall. He tried to kiss me but I stopped him before he could. I kicked him in the shins and ran out to the hallway, where Charlotte was. She asked me if everything was ok and I told her it was fine. I was just so scared, obviously as I'm pregnant aswell." When she was finished speaking, her eyes welled with tears.

Reece sat her on his lap, and pulled her in close.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." He whispered into her ear.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know."
"What parent was it?" Reece asked.
"James' dad." Marjorie told him.
"Doesn't he have a wife?"
"Yeah, he does. I contacted her immediately to tell her what happened." Marjorie responded.

"Right, you're not going in tomorrow. I'll take care of it." Reece said.
"Reece knight, what are you going to do."
"Nothing, talk to him, kick his arse."
"Reece, you can't do that!" Marjorie scolded.
"You'll get arrested for goodness sake!"
"Not If he isn't a parent anymore, the nursery really can't do anything about it then."
"Your anger issues really worry me sometimes." Marjorie said.
"Do I ever use them on you?" Reece asked.
"No, I guess you don't."
"Exactly, only to protect you, I'll never lay a finger on you." Reece said

"I promise."


Alright this is a mix of a good and bad chapter but how did we find it 😭👍

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