I love you most

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Autumn walked inside the ward and rushed straight over to Marjorie.

"Hey marj." Autumn said.
"Hey aut, where's Reece." Marjorie said, looking around.
"I'm right here gorgeous." Reece smiled, walking into the room.

His eyes were red and puffy, and his sleeves were wet from tears. Marjorie noticed this and then took a proper look at autumn, her shirt soaked with tears.

"What happened?" Marjorie asked, looking at Reece with concern.
"It's fine marj, everything's okay." Reece told her, walking over to the cot to pick up his daughters.

"Are you sure?" Marjorie questioned, getting up and walking over to him.
" go sit back down, the doctor said you're on bedrest."
"Not until you tell me what's going on."

Reece avoided eye contact with Marjorie, scanning around the room. They'd landed on autumn, she was glaring at him, as almost to say,
'I swear to god if you don't tell her I'll make sure you can't have anymore children.' Reece rolled his eyes and looked back at Marjorie.

"Bed." Reece said, pointing behind her.
"Fine." Marjorie scoffed, doing as he said.

Marjorie had really been worrying about Reece these past few months. She knew when something was wrong, today was a dead giveaway something was up. Reece never cried, he'd always been told he wasn't allowed to since he was a boy. Roger always told him 'boys don't cry, man up son!'

Marjorie had been getting him to be more open up about his feelings lately, which she was happy he was finally opening up to her.

She watched as he was getting nova and Niamh to stele down. He had Niamh over his shoulder, and Nova in his arm. Reece was rocking Nova back and forth while he patted Niamh's back with his free hand.

"Are you okay Marjorie?" Autumn asked, taking her hand in hers.
"Can I talk to you outside?" Marjorie questioned.
"Of course you can, but make it quick, we don't want Reece to see you out of bed now do we?" Autumn laughed.

They both walked out into the hallway, careful not to let Reece know they were going.

"What did you want to talk about?" Autumn said.
"What's up with Reece?" Marjorie whispered.

"Listen Marjorie, he's really worried about you and the girls. He's been thinking the worst of what might happen to them. He told me he's worried that the same thing that happened to char with Adam will happen to them. And for you, he loves you very much marj. Reece is scared about how vulnerable you may be now.  He's dreading going back to work and leaving you alone. The best thing we can do right now is to just let him know he's not the only one worrying. I can tell you're worrying to." Marjorie thought she'd hid her worries really well.

"How did you-."
"You forget how well I know you Marjorie, you two will be the best parents going, I'll tell you that much." Marjorie smiled at how warm and gooey her friend could be at times.

Marjorie thanked her, gesturing for autumn to walk back into the room. Autumn stopped in her tracks as she heard Reece talking to someone.

"What? What is it?" Marjorie asked.
"Look." Autumn pointed towards Reece. 

He was sat in the chair of the far corner of the room, talking to Nova and Niamh.

"You know, you two are incredibly lucky to have a mum like Marjorie. I can tell just how much she loves you both. She's really worried about become just like her mum, I keep telling her she won't but she's not buying it. I need you two to be good for her, she's struggling at the moment. I know she may loose her temper sometimes, but she doesn't mean it. She loves you two with all her heart, just like I do and auntie Aut. Actually, aunties auts nickname is the guard dog, you're lucky to have her. My nicknames the piranha, but I hardly act like one. Marjorie, your mum, always finds my nickname so amusing for some reason. I almost forgot to tell you about Mia. Mia is your godmother and she loves you to bits. She may not like your mum very much, but they're warming up to eachother. I promise you my loves, no one will hurt you. Not with us four. Me, aut, marj, and Mia. We all care about you very much. Don't forget that."

He finished by planting a kiss on both of their heads, placing them in their cots.

"This is why I love him." Marjorie said, a few tears running down her cheek.

"This is why we all love him Marjorie." The younger women said, taking Marjorie's hand in hers.

"I love you to autumn." Marjorie told her.
"I love you more." Autumn replied.

"I love you most."


Rar, idfk I needed something to finish this off 😭🙏.

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