Nova knight and..

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Marjorie and Reece were lying in bed before work as usual, when Marjorie got a call from the doctor.

"Hello? Sorry what?" Marjorie said.
"What? Who is it?" Reece asked. Marjorie signalled for him to be quiet, before putting the phone back to her ear.
"Alright, thank you, goodbye."
"So? Who was it?" Reece said in a panic.

"Don't worry Reece, it was just the doctor. Apparently, we're having twins, you get two babies.

"We get two babies!" Reece squealed.
"Yes, You get two girls."
"Two girls!" Reece exclaimed.
"Two girls."
"Gorgeous, I know I've said this before, but I couldn't be happier about this." Reece smiled.
"What a nice surprise before work." Marjorie laughed.

Reece and Marjorie were overjoyed by this news, although, this did mean some things were going to change. E.G, they'd have to move into a bigger house. They'd also have to think of another name. Marjorie had one in mind incase this did happen.


She just loved the name sincerely. Marjorie knew she had to talk to Reece about it first though.

"Reece?" She started.
"Yes baby?" Reece said, clearly hiding his joy.
"What do you think we should call her?" Marjorie asked.
"I'll be happy with whatever you choose, beautiful." Reece told her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I was thinking Niamh." Marjorie said.
"That's actually a really cute name, Niamh knight. It's got a nice ring to it."
"I don't want to tell the others I'm having twins yet, I think my eardrums still busted from char yesterday." Marjorie laughed.
"God, poor Mia." Reece smirked. "She's probably been chewing Mia's ear off."

"So we agree on Niamh?" Marjorie asked.
"If that's what you want, darling." Reece smiled at her.
"See, this is why I love you."
"I love you too, gorgeous."


A little short one before I go school 😋

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