Imagine #13 :Forgotten 2/2

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Previously: Kai will only bring Bonnie back from the prison world under one condition, you eat dinner with him in the boarding house alone. But that wasn't all, he tried to make you remember who he was because you erased your memory of him. He brings Bonnie back and leaves willingly after a good bye kiss.

               13. FORGOTTEN 2/2


You weren't sure where to look for Kai, but you knew that you needed to find him. You checked Mystic Grill, the grave and even Mystic Falls High School.
What if he was already gone? You thought.

But you tired to ignore those lingering questions in your head, and continue searching for him until you found answers.
You stood on the sidewalk in Town Square watching couples and families walk by, smiling and laughing.

It made you feel lonesome, watching the people surrounding you smile and laugh made you feel alone. You slid a strand of your hair behind your ear, as the breeze thickened. You slowly began closing your thin mahogany cardigan, not even aware of what you were doing.
You couldn't help but get distracted by their happiness, wish that you had what they had. Your nose flares and a lump forms in your throat, the brims of your eyes began to blur. You walk to the nearest bench and sit down, staring at the flowers that variety from all colors of the rainbow.

Someone sits down beside you, you don't pay them any attention. You wipe your eyes with the back of your hands, softly sniffling. You've always hated crying, because it made you feel weak. Seeing families spending quality time together and enjoying each other's presence made you miss yours. Unfortunately, you were the only child. Your parents died in a car accident when you was twelve, after that you've never had a family like them.

You use your side bangs to hide your face, not wanting anyone to see you crying.

"I hate seeing you cry like this." Kai whispers.

Your eyes quickly dart his way, and you gulp. You weren't afraid of him you just weren't expecting to ever see him again, and the sight of him now made you weak.
You hated the kind of effect Kai had on you, the way he made you love him and hate him at the same time.

"I thought I might not ever see you again."

"Why's that?" and he extends his hands out, to brush the tears streaming down your cheeks. You shrug your shoulders, "I don't know, maybe because I didn't mean anything to you." and he frowns, "Why would you think that?"

You laugh a little, "We sorta didn't get off on a good start." you remind, but he doesn't seem interested in that. He creosotes your cheek, slowly. His eyes aren't staring into your eyes, their staring at your face.
His stares aren't ones that make you uncomfortable or hint that he doesn't like you. Instead his eyes seem calmer, more relaxed than usual. Maybe he seems more relaxed because your not hating him, or perhaps it's knowing that you came looking for him.

His dark brown hair glistens in the sunshine, as he continues to smile at you. Kai extends his arm along the back of the bench, wrapping his arm around you to bring you closer to him.

You rest your head in the crook of his neck, "What did you do to make me want to erase you from my memory?"

You knew that question would be hard to explain, but if he wanted you back he needed to tell you. Kai presses his lips together, as he gulps. You know he isn't scared of explaining this to you, but he seems nervous for your approval. As if he doesn't want to say the wrong thing otherwise, he could would end up like before.

Kai Parker  ❦   ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now