Imagine: #19: Snowball fight

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        19. SNOWBALL FIGHT

Song: Open Season by High Highs


It was snowing in Mystic Falls, the air was cold as snow flakes slowly fell from the sky. Children made snow angels in their front lawns and there were lights hung on every house, twinkling multi-colored lights.

Town's people walked around holding cups of hot tea and others hot chocolate. Everyone was bundled in their winter gear from head to toe.
You stood in town square in front of the town's Christmas tree, helping everyone put up the lights. Once the lights were put up everyone cheered, the first step to completing the tree was done.
Damon stood above you on a tall step stool, "Y/N, can you hand me the ordainments?" and you do so, rushing back to the table to grab the clear box of ordainments. Everyone was either helping with the tree or decorating the street lights and business stores.

You handed Damon the box because he insisted and you didn't argue with him. You was enjoying the sensory of the tree and the background noises of laughing and Christmas carols, when a snow ball hit you.

Right on your back something cold and soft hit you, your lips parted in shock. And that's when Kai laughed hysterically, you could feel the snow ball slowly pealing off your winter jacket.
When you turn around Kai stands a few feet away smiling at you. Little snowflakes covered his dark brown hair, as he bent forward to make another show ball. You quickly did the same, grabbing a huge amount of snow with your red gloves.

You could hear Damon in the background telling you to stop that you needed to help him with the tree.

At the same time you and Kai stood up and prepared to throw snowballs at it each other. But luckily you managed to throw your's first, and the ball almost hit Kai but he dodged it just in time. You quickly bent down to make another one hopefully before Kai hit you with his but the snowball never hit you like you thought it would.
You saw a glimpse of Kai throwing the ball but it never hit you. "Kai!" Damon shouted, and that's when you glared over your shoulder and realized Kai hit him in the face with the ball.

You couldn't help but laugh, as Damon stood like a statute at the top of the stool. His whole entire face was covered in snow, Kai and you laughed because you two could see the opening of Damon's mouth as he shouted.

Within a matter of seconds Damon was wiping his face, "You're dead." he warned Kai; who made another snow ball and kept tossing it in the air. Kai stuck his tongue out as snow flakes fell on his tongue, grinning with a wide grin.

"Oh, Damon what's the matter? Are you gonna cry about getting hit with a soft snowball?" you chuckle at his tease, Damon quickly made his way down the stool but he halted. "It felt like a rock was in that one." Damon frowns, staring at Kai from a distance.

Kai glares up at the sky then back at Damon, "So that's what happened to my rock." he chuckles nonchalantly, and that's when Damon almost reached the bottom of the latter.

You hesitated for a moment but then you saw the look Kai was giving you, so you pushed the latter. Damon fell backwards with the latter tumbling down on him, and Kai and you ran like hell.

You quickly followed behind Kai who was approaching the sidewalk. Him and you were like one person, both of you knew what each other was thinking. And you knew that Kai was trying to lose Damon by running throughout the parked cars.
Damon used his vamp speed to catch up to you guys so you used your speed, to grab Kai and pull him away from Damon's gasp.

From that point on the two of you ran towards the cars parked across the street, with an angry Damon chasing from behind. Kai stood behind a black Range Rover beside you, as Damon ran towards the car.

"You look out of breathe for a vampire." and Damon nearly grabs him, but you grabbed Kai and ran around the car. Damon stood on the end that you and Kai stood seconds ago, leaning across the car.

"Doesn't he look exhausted?" Kai teases dramatically, as he glares at you. And you grin, "Absolutely." and that made Damon furious. "Just wait until I get my hands on the two of you." Kai and you exchange looks, "What are you gonna do Damon the exhausted vampire?" you teased and Damon's jawline tightens.

Before Damon can even threaten you, you and Kai again. You grabbed Kai and used your vamp speed to get away from Damon.

Kai laughs after you used your vamp speed, "That makes me wish I was a vampire." he chuckles in amusement. You glance over your shoulder to grin at him, Damon appears within seconds.

"If its a snow ball fight you want, its a snow ball you'll --"

You kick a whole blanket of snow at Damon, and Kai gasps in laugher but nothing comes out. It was as if his laughs got caught in his throat. You can't help but laugh at seeing how happy Kai was and how much fun he was having.
Kai leans forward, trying to regain the ability to speak. "Damon-n, are you-u........ alright?" he teases, but you noticed that the large pile of snow didn't move. Kai exchanges looks at you, but his face never becomes serious. You on the other hand was beginning to become worried that Damon was seriously hurt.

"Baby, he's fine," Kai assures, but he doesn't seem so sure considering he can't stop laughing. "I mean the chances of a vampire being killed by snow is like -- is that even possible? And if so, Damon would be the first!" but you couldn't laugh no matter how hard you wanted too.

You sigh in relief once Damon begins to move, "Damon I'm so glad your alr--" but the raven haired vampire tossed all the snow on you two.

Kai and you stood side by side covered from head to toe in snow. Damon sat in the snow pile laughing his heart out, but a snow ball hits him in the back of his head.

The sight of Damon's facial expression changing to completely pissed was hilarious.

Kai and you realized Stefan threw the snowball and the two of you laugh even harder. "Why is everyone going after me?!" and Stefan shrugs in amusement. Elena tosses a snow ball at his chest, she appears from beside Kai and you.

"Now that's everyone." she grins.

Caroline shakes her head, after using her vamp speed to get to there. "Nope." she throws a snowball at Damon. And we all laugh, but Damon still remains seated in the pile of snow.

Damon glares around, "I'm not even gonna wait for Matt." he jokes, and we all nod in agreement because it would take him forever to get here without vamp speed.

Stefan throws a snow ball at Damon, "That's for Matt." and he grins.

Damon begins throwing snow ball at everyone from his pile, as everyone runs around dodging snow balls and laughing.

"Why is everyone running?!" Damon shouts out of laughter, as the group slits up and takes cover. He shrugs his shoulders and chases after everyone, "Fine, more fun for me."


An: I know it's no where near Christmas but I had the idea in my mind, and I didn't want to wait until Christmas to post it. Hope you enjoyed this one, thanks!


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