Imagine #48: Boarding House Roomies

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"Damon?!" you shout, glaring around the living room, as you entered the Boarding house. You playfully jingled your set of keys to the house, before sliding them into the back pocket of your black jeans.
You walked through the living room and entered the kitchen, noticing that it was empty. On the counter island sat a bag of pork rinds, it wasn't your favorite kind of chips but it would have to do.

You glared around one last time, wondering who had left the bag on the counter. Damon and Stefan never really ate food, let alone chips because their vampires.
So you grabbed the bag of pork rinds and opened it, munching on them as if you hadn't eaten all day.

"I see you helped yourself to my bag of pork rinds." and you quickly squint her eyes in embarrassment from getting caught. As you slowly turned around to face the speaker, your words got caught in your throat.
There standing right in front of you was a dark brunette guy with blue-grey eyes. In his grip was a bag of pork rinds and he was munching on the chips, as he stared at you. You tried to look anywhere else beside his eyes, that were somewhat intimidating.

And that's when you realized he was shirtless and all you could do was stare. "Where's Damon?" you murmur, as you continued to stare at his chest.
"Hon, eyes up here," he motions at his eyes, and you look at him. "Damon went to go buy a keg of beer, he should be back pretty soon."

You ran your fingers through your hair, "You must be Y/N, Damon talks a lot about you." and he walks closer to you. "And you are?" you smile, awkwardly because he knew your name but you didn't know his. "Kai Parker. Damon and Stefan have been letting me crash out at there place for a while."

You smile, "Well.... Kai Parker, roommate? I'm gonna go upstairs to my room and change. Tell me if Damon or Stefan show up, k?" and quickly exit the kitchen, and used your vamp speed to get upstairs.
Once you were in your bedroom with the door closed, you began searching for your shorts.
"Check the third drawl." Kai mumbles, nearly giving you a mini heart attack. "How do you know where everything is?" and you stand up straight, to open the third drawl. And of course your shorts were there but you weren't expecting them to be folded neatly.

"Because duh, I'm the person who organized your drawls. You had your underwear and bras on the bottom drawls, when their suppose to go in the top ones." which made you laugh, "I just meet you and you were already in my room without my permission."

"Well, add less know you know how it feels to have someone going though your things without permission." he pouts, teasingly as he walks away. You glared over your shoulder at him, "I can tell this isn't going to go well."

Kai Parker  ❦   ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now