Imagine #51: The Gemini Coven 1/2

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      In a few days you were going to be twenty-two. Normally, most people would be happy when their birthdays coming to an arrival.
               But those people usually were non-supernatural beings or any supernatural beings that didn't have to participate in a merge. You had spent most of your teenage life terrified of your twenty second birthday, most of your past birthdays have been dreadful.

                 You were planning to avoid everyone you knew on your birthday just like you had one numerous times in the past. Celebrating your birthday was like celebrating the days that shorten until you died. Two twins must perform a spell together in order to begin the merge, then they must hold each other's hands to maintain a connection. The power of the eclipse will merge you and your twin as one in order to channel each other's magic.

              The strong twin will survive and is empowered by their magic as well as their twin's magic. The weaker twin is drained of all their magic and unfortunately died during or after the spell.

                  You hated what the Gemini Coven made you do and deep down you wanted to stop them. It wasn't right to have siblings battle each other for power, especially if you loved your sibling like you did.
      Over the years you questioned what you would before the merge, if you would run away to prevent the merge from happening.

                     Every now and then you would wish that you didn't have such a close relationship with your twin. Then you wouldn't have to spend the rest of your life feeling guilty if you won the merge. You wouldn't have to feel for basically killing your brother.

      But there was only one person in particular who wouldn't even shed a single tear if he won the merge.

                        Malachai Parker

Just the thought of him made you sick to your stomach, it was like thinking of the devil. Malachai was the only person you knew that was actually looking forward to a merge, who wanted to be powerful.
          He didn't care who he hurt because he always looked out for himself.

                    You had never actually met Malachai, you only heard stories about him from his father. Joshua often times used his son as a prime example of someone in Coven you didn't want to be. You explained the rules and how his son murdered his siblings, which resulted to Malachai being prisoner of a Prison World.

       In a way you felt bad for Malachai and couldn't help it when he wondered into your thoughts. His twin sister Jo was good friends with you and she often told you stories about her brother.

You felt bad for Jo and imagined what it must have been like for her, to think that she might have did the merge with Malachai. And Jo often times talked about being afraid to do the merge with him, wondering if she would live or not. She knew how determined her twin was to win and feared him.

                  You never viewed Malachai as many more than a sociopath, and often times were confused by your thoughts on him. Sure, you had realized Malachai was handsome and you were sure he was much handsomer now than the pictures Joshua showed you.

But you had to remind yourself that Malachai was like a fictional character or mythical creature. He was known and seen by some people, but only seen or imagined by the other half.
                          You knew he existed and that he was real but you knew you would never been able to see him, since he was in the Prison World. It was hopeless for you to even try to develop feelings for Malachai because you knew he would be trapped forever. That and you never even met him and figured he wouldn't be capable of loving someone.

          The sun was setting when you arrived to Mystic Falls, that Friday night. Ever since Jo left Portland to move to Mystic Falls she had told you how fantastic the town was. You imagined how it felt to be Jo, being able to finally get away from Portland.

A few weeks away Jo had called you and suggested that you come visit her. At first Joshua refused to let you go considering your birthday would be within a few days. He wanted to make sure that you were ready for the merge and would return to do it.
You promised him you would return to do the merge, even though you thought about not returning.

But you didn't know what Joshua would do to you if you didn't merge with your twin.

Jo told you not to merge and apart of you wanted to listen to her. But you knew Joshua more than anybody and he treated you like his daughter, when his children left.

Joshua was like the father you never had, he wasn't your ideal father but he was better than nothing. You convinced him to let you visit Jo and return after you birthday.

Jo had began dating a man named Alaric who were dying to meet. You heard so much about him, she even mentioned you possibly meeting a special someone. It went until your expression soften until it looked like you were frowning before Jo realized what she had just said.

You wanted someone to love but with the merge just a few days away, it was the last thing on your mind. You didn't want to get attached to someone only for them to lose you and for you to lose them.

Ever since Jo began dating Alaric, she's been spending majority of her time at home apartment. So while you were in town Jo gave you the keys her apartment, telling you that it was your's if you wanted it.
     Keep down you did want the apartment and knew that Jo was trying to tempt you to stay in town.

                   She didn't want you going back to Portland to do the merge and you couldn't blame her.
       You were going to use this time in Mystic Falls to think about what your next steps would be. Figure out if you were going back to Portland or going to stay in Mystic Falls.

                           You parked car outside Jo's apartment and took your luggage inside. You decided to get situated in her temporary apartment, add less for now.
     You had spent an hour unpacking your belongings and checking out Jo's apartment.

You decided that since it was a Friday night and we were tired of constantly being inside. You decided to take a shower and get dressed, to go out and enjoy Mystic Falls.




Kai Parker  ❦   ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now